Thursday, December 14, 2006

My Car Bigger Than Yours!


I have absolutely no idea why there are so many roadworks throughout this tiny little island of Singapore. For roads that are in fine working condition, suddenly, a heavy truck will be there, closed off 1 to 2 lanes with those cones and start digging. The road is perfectly fine and dun seem to have a problem.

The above cycle happens every day. EVERY SINGLE DAY. Somewhere in Singapore.

Half the time, the reason for a traffic jam is due to such stupid acts. Closed off 2 lane from a 4 lane highway with heavy traffic flow(Any hour of the day you can witness it). The other reason for traffic jam are SINGAPOREANS. YES. SINGAPOREANS.

SINGAPOREANS love to drive. Recklessly. Fantasizing that they are some race Champ or the actor in Tokyo Drift(Bloody stupid movie by the way), speeing and creating deaths. Comparing who have the best car, with the best modification for beauty and power(I import this from where and where etc etc..haha!), then start speeding on the highway with their imaginary competitors. When car got scratch, blame the whole world but themselves. Sometimes, Singaporeans can be so simple minded and naive.

Drive safely please. Think you can race? Go join Formula One or hit the arcade. If not, shut up and drive carefuly. It's fine that you dun wan your life, but we want. Thank you very much. I love you too. Simpletons.

Photo : Reach for the sky!

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

Hate those bengs who are Schumacher wannabes...damn idiotic...think they damn saat but actually they are a total nuisance. BTW, their cars always turn out damn ugly after the modifications and they still think it is damn nice...pui