Monday, December 18, 2006

Codex Leicester


Finally gotten something that I have been lusting for many years.

It's my X'Mas present from UsagiKiller. I have been wanting to buy it for years, somehow, the price vs size just does not justify the purchase...

It's a Agenda(Organizer-Diary).

The boutique was filled with people. Felt just like a market when we stepped in. We were totally shock and puzzled why this boutique have so many people in it, the things that was sold in this boutiue is nowhere near cheap to warrant such traffic. A simple sling bag will cost you S$1600.(yes, we paid quite a bit for the Agenda).

I think everyone had gotten their 13th month and goes there to buy and buy all the bags and wallets! Wow! Rich! So envious!!!

I really like this Agenda and hope that it will be my version of Codex Leicester as what Leonardo Da Vinci's Codex Leicester is. A record of all things Jack! Maybe after a few hundred years, it will be in a museum and called JackRedShoes's Codex Leicester!


P/S:Yes, no photo this time. I have to admit. I have not been behaving and uploading my photos last weekend. I was spending an obscene amount of time per day in Ivalice. I have racked up over 55hrs now and have 3 characters at level 50, where the other 3 is on the way to 50... Very soon...I will have level 99 for all 6 characters! I am totally addicted now. cannot stop... It's a obsession to have your characters to level me... if you love RPG, you will understand...


Keevy - 小明® said...

oh come on, you should have taken a pic of the Agenda!

JackRedShoes said...


Bcos, I will be labeled as a show-off immediately when i post the picture of the agenda.

Spare me! haha!

Anonymous said...

hahaha! Please don't try to be humble coz you are not!!

Baby Tibu

JackRedShoes said...

yes yes yes! I am a cocky asshole! Thank you and I love you too!

Keevy - 小明® said...
