Sunday, October 08, 2006


**((Aftermath from Floral or Fauna : My shit smells and looks(the colour) different this morning. Must be because of last night's VEGETARIAN dinner. Ahhh! The trauma!!))**

Am going to be submerged for awhile.

2 weeks at most. If I am able to touch my computer next weekend, I will try to add an entry. If not, the next time I emerged will be near the end of October.

No, not going for a holiday. Going to don into the green camouflage uniform and black leather boots again. Yes, it's that time of the year where all the men are being called back to base camp. Besides training, this is the time where all the mates catch up with one another on their life and what they have been up to. Come to think of it, this platoon have been to recce together for 9 years already. Scary, time past so fast.

Gonna be all over the forest and also poker at night and lotsa beer as well whenever time and schedule permits!!

Ok! Soldier! Move out!!

Photo : Waited for awhile before the evening sunray lights up the beautiful place and make it picture perfect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck soldier. (Still a S1?)
You will be in my thoughts when I am eating my breakfast, having my morning coffee, a lunch break at the cafe and dinner at restaurant. Oh, and also when I am sleeping on a nice firm bed.