Friday, October 27, 2006

January 2007, 24, Day 6 Premiers!!!!!!!!!!!

"For America to Survive...

..Jack Bauer...



The above is the trailer for 24 Day 6.

Freshly released into the internet.

Day 6 will premier in Jan 2007...(you lucky Americans!!!)

We will have to wait for a long long long time untill the Day 6 DVD hits our shore.

Yes, the obsession will start again come Jan...and Internet is a MUST AVOID for all 24 fanatics. If not, you will know the plot before even you watch the season!!! Arghhh!!! That cannot happen!!!

Apparently, who we thought, we saw was the President of The United States in a earlier trailer was bogus. This trailer shows the real President...and he is....

NO! Go watch yourself. Not gonna spoil it for you! Go to FOX's website and find out!! Breathless. Amazing.

James Bond, Jason Bourne, Ethan Hunt, Rambo, 大內密探凌凌發 etc etc are sissies standing next to Jack Bauer.

Jack! Jack! Jack!!

Photo : The new favorite coffee haunt for Keeve and Jack..

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