Thursday, October 26, 2006

My way or No way

I asked if I can be a freelance photographer and do maybe wedding or something.

If not for the fun, then at least for the extra income.

"Dun think you can. Cos knowing you, you will force the newly weds to take shots that YOU like and think that is nice. The couple will end up not having any say and it's gonna be all you only. Singaporeans cannot take it if they dun have the wedding shots that they want. So, you can forget the idea of a wedding photographer. With your character and attitiude, forget it." Was the reply I got from Tibu.

Well, hopes dashed and dreams crashed. Back to be a Amateur-Junior-Photo-Taking-as-Hobby Person(it's amateur junior, worst than a amateur!!). Sigh. Think I willl take photos of cockroaches, they will definitely not have wedding and thus will not retaliate.

Roaches, here I come!!

Photo : Stop!! I say do not cross!!


Keevy - 小明® said...

Hahaha...what an apt reply by Tibu...what she describes is just so YOU lor...cannot stop laughing!

Maybe you can take pics of roaches mating since they don't wed...LOL

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