Tuesday, October 31, 2006


It's that time of the year...where the soulds come out and have fun...and we pretend(dressed) to be like them...

Of cos Jack cannot be left out of this celebration, so, we shall take a look at one of the myth that is related to Jack..."Jack-O-Lantern"

A common custom associated with Halloween is the pumpkin or carving out faces to create the jack-o-lantern placed outside houses. The jack-o-lantern comes from an Irish folktale of a man named Jack who was drunk. Jack tricked Satan into climbing a tree and carved an image of a cross in the tree cornering the devil.

After Jack died, he couldn’t enter Heaven because of his wicked ways, and he couldn’t go into Hell either since he tricked the devil. So the devil gave Jack an ember to light his way through the darkness. The ember was inside an empty turnip to keep it gleaming longer.

The Irish used turnips as their jack-o-lanterns, but when they went to America they found more pumpkins available than turnips, which created the lighted hollow jack-o-lantern pumpkins used today.

Of cos, this is just one of the many versions that we know.

Treat or Trick?!

Photo : Friends from Satan's lair...

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