Saturday, October 21, 2006

Light! Camera! Action!!

The haze does not seem to be getting any better. It is definitely hindering outings for taking photographs.

Was planning for some outdoor photo shoots next few days..but with the looks of the weather and haze, does not seem like a possibility. No sunlight, no shadows, all dull and hazy. Than again, it's the best time to try out some black and white photo shots..? Maybe.

Watched "The Departed" today. Cannot help but kept comparing the show to the original "Infernal Affairs". Martin Scorsese is a great director, from The "Colour of Money", "Goodfellas", "Cape Fear" "Gangs of New York" to "The Departed". He can make no mistakes with each scene. But, it is always a danger when you remake something so successful. Not many directors have come away from much success from remakes(with exception from the likes of "King Kong", "Gladiators" etc etc).

Leonardo DiCaprio did and excellent/outstanding job in the movie. Looks like he is booking an early ticket for the Academy Awards. Totally awesome acting skills from him, and Matt Damon pales in comparison. Leonardo potray the character as aggressive and traumatic. Tony Leung(the original) is cool and traumatic. Matt Damon fails in the role that was original to Andy Lau. Andy Lau did a much better job. Of cos Jack Nicholson shows the boys how it's been done, when it comes to good acting skills. Overall, the acting of Leonardo in this show justifies the admission ticket price.

Gonna catch "Sinking of Japan" next, another remake from a old Japanese show. Have high expectation for this better not disappoint.

Photo : The colours are simply gorgeous!

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