Monday, October 23, 2006

2 Million Zombies @ Vivo City

Went to the newest mall, a novelty currently, Vivo City this afternoon.

Thinking that it have opened it's door to the public sometime back and that it's a Monday, there should not be much people there. So there I am, happily armed with a camera and a cheerful mood took off to Vivo City.

I was totally surprised, shocked and disgusted.

There are SO MANY people there!!!

The last head count I had before leaving the mall was at 2,00,147 people...Almost half of Singapore's population is in Vivo City today!! It's a Monday for goodness sake!!!! Half the population took leave(like me) and went shopping??? This is absurb...

Totally disgusted, I left the place 30 minutes after reaching. Too crowded. Too many Singaporeans. You do not want to be in a shopping mall infested with Kia-Su Singaporeans, trust me. They are like the Zombies in "Dead Rising" or "Resident Evil". That's why, shopping in Singapore for me have been, "Infiltrate into the mall, get what I want, pay, get out". The end.

Still, there is one reason why I will be going back to Vivo City again... PageOne. PageOne is gonna have a shop there. Yahoo!! Now, anything I cannot find in PageOne Kinokuniya, I have an extra avenue. Very sure not many Singaporeans will be patronising PageOne, unless they have a reason to. So I am sure, I should be able to enjoy some peace and quiet time with those gorgeous Photography Books there soon...Yahooo!!!

Photo : Burn them? Get more Haze?


Keevy - 小明® said...

I was just contemplating to go there this coming weekend....

JackRedShoes said...

Arm yourself with some mass killing weapon. You will need it to ward off those Zombies that are investing the mall.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Yes. It is so very scary at Vivio City. The amount of people there. As usual, many people browsing, bet you not many are geniue buyers. All there to look see coz this is the newest spot. Give it another 6 mths to one year, it might become another ghost town... how sad?!
Baby Tibu