Sunday, October 22, 2006

Scary Mary

Something very scary happened.

Was trying to fall asleep, when suddenly, felt a numb from my right hand knuckles moving all the way thru my whole body. And within split seconds, my whole body is numb. Immovable. Not able to talk or call out for help too. Tried struggling and twisting the whole did not help. The only way is to make some sound and call for help...soon, "ARHGGGG!!" managed to come out of my mouth and the whole body gradually goes back to normal.

Was in a state of shock and all sorts of thoughts crosses my mind...Illness? Ghost pushing me down? All sorts. It's a scary experience. Hope it will not happen again.

Something even more scary happened.

"It's time for a baby".


It have started. The elders have start their plan on the babies. "It's about time. You cannot wait till you are too old"

"No intention to have one. Don't be crazy"

"What rubbish. You are gona have one. And better try for a boy. You are the only son"

"It's my right to want or not. And besides, even if I were to have one, I will WANT and HOPE that it will be a Gal. If it's a boy, I will sell him away, and try again for a gal. I prefer Gals. Period."

"Boys are to carry on the bloodline and you family."

"So what? I am not a king or some famous person. Dun need a boy, a gal will be perfect! I can doll her up and will give in to whatever request she have from daddy. She will be a 1000% Daddy's gal!!"

"A boy is a must."

" Gal or nothing. End of conversation."

After the conversation above, blood vessels expanded and pressure went thru the roof for some people(read:parents). Basically, I dun care, even if it's parents or not. I know what I want and how it's been done. Absolutely no children for the time. Zip. Nil. If it happens, I will cross my fingers that a baby gal she will be!!

Photo : Waterworld...


Keevy - 小明® said...

That was scary though and it seems quite common to people nowadays.

A good one about the babies! Agree with the folks that it is time to have babies...hahaha

Anonymous said...

Given a choice... I would rather adopt. Look at so many kids being abandoned by their parents. Isn't it a better way to care for them since they are already "here"?!
Anyway, life is sad. Life is suffering. If you love kids, don't bring them to this world to go through all the pains... it's a strange and depressing theory I have got here.

Baby Tibu