Saturday, September 30, 2006

High Definition Gaming Goodness

First of the new generation console is in. A very big welcome to the family!

(This entry might not be for everyone's understanding, especially if you have no idea what gaming is all about...please also note that an average gamer's age is 28-38 years old. Not 7-18 years old. Tell me, where on earth do a 15 years old student get US$300-500 for a new gaming console?? It's ridiculous. Only hard working labours like us can burn a huge hole in our wallet to acquire one...)

Honestly, never did have a good opinion on Microsoft's product. However, this monster prove me wrong in many ways.

Firstly, it hooks you up to the internet in 3 easy/idiot-proof steps. Once you are in, configure your system and your user name, MSN Chats, sign-in names etc etc. It will bring you to LIVE where you can chat with all the gamers thru the world who might be online then. You get to download trailers, game updates, system updates, top ranking gamer for a particular games, the gamers' comments and star level etc etc etc.

Playing the game in High-Definition is totally mind blowing. The details are amazing.(PC Gamers, eat your heart out!) Halfway thru the game, a message pops up on screen and tells you that the trailer download is complete. Then a message pops up saying that you have a incoming message from a friend. You get to do all theses while on the game.

Not forgetting the Media part of it. Download all your pictures, store your holiday video clips into it's hard disk and view it on your High Definition TV set. Download/synch all your CD collections from your iPod into it's Hard Disk and you can listen to your CD collection while you are playing any game.

Controllers are wireless, so no wires to mess up your beautiful living area.(PS3 is gonna have Bluetooth controller)

There are many more features that I am still trying to explore and learn. Was pleasantly surprise at what this Box can do. And reports are that Microsoft are soon to be introducing some system upgrades for releasing the regional lockout.(in anticipation of Sony's competition come Nov)

This is the first of High Definition Console to enter market(Dec 2005), I am a little late in acquiring one. But never too late! Next, high anticipation for the arrival of another High Difinition Giant....PS3. How things and technology have change! From those 16Bits to the High Definition's scary how things advanced. HIGH DEFINITION RULES!!!

Kokoro and Snake have found their home... looks like you are the homeless sacrificial lamb..with no High Definition or online support...

Me...gonna be living off bread and butter for the whole month. When Sony comes knocking...think I will have to live off high chlorine-flavour beverage for 2 whole months...!!

Photos : Anyone who loves newly opened items...will love this...(the one with the TV shows the XBOX LIVE page menu)

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Saw Hitomi using a SLR camera shooting Kokoro or is it Lei Fang at the beach. All are in their ultra unbelievable bikini.

Almost died of heart attack...

Apparently, come Nov, if you make the gals really happy, you can get to see them change from evening dress to the barely visible bikinis(the point here is you GET TO SEE them change)...not forgetting Lei Fang doing pole dance...

Enough!! **Cannot stop drooling**


It's time to acquire the 360 just for the gals.

Photo : Well, someone have to do the job...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Little Anne

Spent the whole day kissing Little Anne.

It is simply unbelievable how a full day's time can be scheduled for doing something like that.

Little Anne's mouth is all blue and black, with lotsa little dirt around it...and her breast is kinda like a man's...almost non-existence...

After the whole day of kissing and pumping her abdominal area..I am now certified a "Little Anne Kisser" for 2 years. Still, I don't think I will do that at all if I see Little Anne anytime after today within the next 2 years...

Photo: Beautiful wall carving, difficult to get a clear shot without having some human in the pcture...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Got a few hours to spare this afternoon.

Made a trip down to Little India for some photos. On the way there, met a former colleague, he was with his friend who turned out to be my Secondary School 1 friend. Where this former colleague of mine, his brother turn out to be my secondary school 1 friend as well. Confuse? Ha! It's really a small world!!

Anyway, back to little India. Took a train down, and upon reaching the Train Station, the un-mistakable aroma or Little India greets me... Well... what's that for the sake of photos?? ENDURE.

The weather is totally screwed for photos, no sunlight, totally gloomy. Took only a few shots and the humidity and heat almost killed me. Walked thru the whole place and the incredible smell of surely tasteful food is almost unbearable. I called someone and told the person "Hey, Little India have alot of Indians...." She could not take this "obvious" Joke and burst out laughing. Well, here are 5 shots to share although the weather is really horrible.

(Dun even remind me of Thaipusam. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY, I am taking photos for that celebration. NO WAY. I will suffer cordia arrest if I see any of the people during Thaipusam...NO WAY. Period.)

Photo(from top to bottom) : 1~One of the many signboards of the alleys of Little India. 2~Flying Peacock? 3~What on earth is he selling. 4~Best spot for my lunch! 5~Snore...ZzZZ...zzz.z...zzz.....


"I dunno you well enough" one female friend said to me.

Come to think of it...i dunno myself well enough sometimes too.

I seems to talk alot at times, gets very irritated and frustrated some times out of the blue. And is very good at shutting myself out to everybody suddenly. Distance away, no communications, no signs, cut off from everyone. Just totally submerged into somewhere. It just happened without me paying too much attention and notice of it. It's very very difficult to read my thoughts, some said. I seem to zoomed off suddenly, dunno what is going thru my head. Unpreditable i think...

Another female friend commented : "You want things your way. Everything and everyone must somehow work within your time range and expectation. Leaves no room for negotiation unless you are totally convinced of another way." Basically, she meant stubbon, I think. Once I made up my mind on something, or form an opinion on something/someone, I hardly change my views.

Seems like alot of people will have a challenge getting thru to me and understand me...

Photo : Think it's amazing that 2 couples just happens to fall into the focus area, one on the love path, the other into the man's grave...

Monday, September 25, 2006

Aries Behavourial Style

Rained early this morning at about 7am.

Hate it when rain starts pouring at this early hour of the day. It's the best moment to sleep under such weather and I have to kick start my day. How exciting.

As usual, traffic sucks and crawled all the way to office.


It just gets on my nerve when I am late, and all things seems to be out of order. I am someone that goes crazy when things are not within control or run out of expectation ranges. Need to fix it and fast.

So as you would suspect, I felt like I am in my PMS this morning. Let's hope it gets better after lunch...

Photo : Waited awhile before a birdie flew past the viewfinder. They come in flock, so have to be wait a little before the right scene sets in.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Hotcakes for Babies

Sunday morning is always the time for Hotcakes with the 2 Golden Arches.

In there, we always gets to see the most amusing and amazing "Singaporean Habits & Stories". Without fail.

We were seated next to a young couple with their baby boy. The wife spoke so loud at every given opportunity, be it across the table to her husband or on the phone with her mother(I know she's talking to her mother because she spoke so loudly!) Basically, I know her family's fullday itinerary after breakfast. She basically ANNOUNCED TO THE WHOLE WORLD.

After they settle down, the wife went to place their breakfast order, and the husband is taking care of the baby boy. At 1 point, the husband left the baby in his tramp and went to the toilet.

The baby is alone.

"I went over, took the baby away and went straight home. After this entry, I will be contacting my "suppliers" from Thailand to buy the baby, thus earning a fortune from there. The baby will probably end up as a beggar with the underground society of Thailand. Meanwhile, the parents will be crying to their grave for loosing their precious baby, and never be found ever again"

Of cos the paragraph above could really happen if there were really someone that "trade" babies were at the restaurant. How can parents be taking the society's safety for granted and leave the baby alone there like this?????? True enough, the husband got scolded from his wife after he came back. They feed the baby and start talking loudly about their day's program again. All is well and ends happy, cos the baby is still not "stolen".

They might not be so lucky next time.

Photo : Baby in a mailbox...

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Fantastic Four

Finally the Reds have won their second successful match.

5 Goals in 4 days with 2 clean sheets. Let's hope this inconsistence team can maintain their form.

Man United goes 2 matches without a win, let's hope this team carries on this way too. Simply a joy to know that they struggle against the lower team. Good luck when the Billion Dollar team come visit.

Seems like the Million dollar striker of the Blues is having problem fitting into the English game, and the commentator of the match for the Blues comments that his touches, his moves are all top/world class... It is really hilarious. Wonder what are the incentives he got for lying. Just a simple pass and touch have all turned world class just because it's him...hmmm.... Bwahahahahahahaahah. It's a joke.

Gunners finally won at their new stadium...congrats. Always a threat and a joy to watch them play. Think they will mount a good challenge to the Blues for the championship.

My guess for next May's final table outlook will be..

1- Liverpool
2- Chelsea
3- Arsenal
4- Aston Villa
5- Man U

Haha! Let's see what happens!!

Photo : Best Popiah in the world.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Daily Planet

How do you read the daily Newspaper?

The Newspaper comes with the following 6 main sections, World, Home, Forum, Sports, Money and Entertainment.

I would read the front page, move on to Money, Sports then Forum. Then scan through Home, World and Entertainment.

Most of the time are spent at the Sports section. I know alot of people, mostly women, spend an obscene amount of time reading the Entertainment section...(on news like who got who pregnant, which cannot-sing-boybands got some crap awards, Jay Chow hail as King when he cannot even pronounce a single word properly etc etc etc.)

How do you read your papers???

Photo : Perfect evening sun-light for photo taking.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


A lot of things made up a person's attraction.

Of cos most of the time will be the outlook first. But what's important to me is, intelligence level.

For a woman, besides being slim, sexy, pretty, lovely etc etc, the most important thing is, their brains.

Smart, intelligent gals are the most attractive. Someone who is consistently worry about how she looks and make up are not attractive at all. What kinda conversation she can come out with are very important. The same goes for man. He can have all the looks in the world, but if he have near zero brain cells, he is just so boring.

I love women who can make me eat my words and argue back with their own views.

Me? Of cos I am intelligent, charming, suave, funny and damm bloody attractive!! I am the PERFECT MAN!!


Photo : Another world in the water.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Dog Eat Dog

A fellow business contact(from the same industry) called and asked for some valuable information of another company from me.

I refuse to give her the information she asked for.

Why? Since it does not concern my company and might only potentially affect my business.

Selfish? I don't think so.

I spend years building my contacts, trust and the necessary information that I have today.


Years of hard work. Those are valuable information and contacts that would be of most advantageous in many business scenarios. My contacts trusted me and thus was able to give me the information that I have build up today.

Now tell me, why should I give such valuable information away in 5 seconds to another business associate when I spend years working on it?

She was shock and said "why have you become like that? Have some confidence, whatever you have built over the years, nobody can take it away from you if your foundation is strong."

I told her " Confidence, I have. Hardwork, I have. Information, I have. Give it away for free, no way." Come on, I am not dumb.

That information is of value to me(and of course must be of value to her too) and if I do not have anything in return for such information exchange, why should I? And unfortunately, there is nothing that I need from her or her organization. I already have the necessary information that I may need of her organization.

Photo : Ansel Adams? Ha! A million years away from him!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Brainless Women

You may have hear the below comments many times. Well, I have and enough is enough.

Woman : "My future husband/boyfriend must have a car, have a monthly salary of $9999, must not be a smoker, must be a Christian, must never snore, must be taller than me, must be cute looking, must be caring, must be loving, must be reliable, must be able to buy landed property and on and on and on..."

I think that if any women were smart enough, she will not have made such senseless statements of requirements in their future partner. The point here is, when you come across the right person, you will know that he or she is the right one for you. Regardless if he is a millionaire or a street performer. You will accept him whole-heartedly and will go thru thick and thin with him. You will not mind whatever differences you both have and will accept all his little habits and flaws.(the biggest joke is for example..he must not be a smoker??? What???? Does anyone requires that he must not be a coffee drinker???? Oh Please!)

You mean you give him a 4 page questionnaire and ask him to tick on the appropriate boxes if he is a smoker, own a car, blah blah blah before agreeing to see and understand that person?????

A man can easily say : "My future girlfriend/wife must have either B or C cup, waist line no bigger than 25, flat abs, taller than 1.7m, long flowing hair with volume, big eyes with double eyelid, beautiful lips, dimples, dances like shakira, healthy looking skin colour, flawless complexion, intelligent..on and on and on."

When you met each other, you will know. Some of the tell tale signs will find all sort of excuses to see that person(no matter how silly your excuses are), you will smile to yourself for no reason, you wake up in the middle of the night to listen to music, you will look at her number in your mobile's contacts etc etc..basically, when you do things that people deem as stupid and idiotic, you are in love.

You women don't understand do you? It's not up to you for choosing, it's fate. Even if anyone were to choose, it will be the men that choose the women. Not the other way round. Why? 2 facts and reasons~~ 1, Women population far exceeds men. 2, all the good men are taken up.

So, go with fate and don't DEMAND. If not, you will be a 45 years old virgin with zero attraction.

Photo : Golden stream.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Arthur cannot stop dying

This game is getting to me.

It's tough as nut and I thought I have gotten to the final stage after braving thru fire pits, poison lake, Volcanoes etc etc....
When I stepped infront of the gate(final stage) that hides the Final Boss...a winged mean looking monster says...
"you need 22 Golden Rings to enter this gate, and you have only 2 now. Come back again when you are worthy..." I have this feeling I will throw the PSP against the floor soon...

Arghhh! I now have to go thru all the stages carefully to look for all the Golden Rings(hidden most of the time)... A check from this week's Famitsu say..."collect 22 Golden Rings and will see the Boss...collect all 33 Golden Rings, and you will meet the Real Boss..."


Photo : Arthur looking stress on the cover.

The New Generation is Upon Us

Come Nov we will see the release of 2 new generation consoles.

Sony PS3 and Nintendo Wii. XBOX 360 came earlier last Dec.

The PS3 will cost about S$950, where the Wii will cost about S$500. XBOX 360 cost about S$700.

Seriously, how could anyone say that gaming are for kids????? When I was a kid, I never have the money to own such a console. Parents to buy for me? DREAM ON!!! No parents then would spend such money to get something for their children, which they deem will cause them to do badly in school. Only when started working with a decent salary, than can one afford to spend that kinda money to buy a game machine.... Average gaming age is 28 - 40 years old.

Nevetherless, all 3 new systems will find their way into my hand while a big hole will be burnt into my pockets thru my wallet...

How can anyone resist MGS4 for PS3 and Zelda, Metriod for Wii?? Not possible.

It's gonna be a interesting Christmas this 2006.

Photo : Famitsu Weekly cover of MGS3 and MGS4.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Work of Joy and Laughter

Here's another interesting one.

水科孝之, his works are serialized weekly in Famitsu(Japanese Weekly Gaming Magazine).

He would blog his weekly life into a 2 page comic strips and his sense of humor will simply get you cracking out loud!! I get the Chinese translated version of Famitsu every week, and honestly, besides the first hand gaming news from Japan, I can't wait to read his comic strip!! His works are fun, refreshing and a joy to read.

He recently went to Taiwan for his new book signing ceremony and his popularity in Taiwan is really huge. I guess anyone who is big in Japan would be in Taiwan. I have desperately place a order for his new book, will post the photo once I lay my hands on it. Honestly, I can't wait for a good read and laugh.

Photo : (Top) 水科孝之's 2 page comic in Famitsu. Here, he portrayed himself as Snake of Metal Gear Solid~~a uberpopular game franchise in Japan and the world. (Bottom) The cover of Famitsu Weekly Magazine and a typical layout of the interior.

Friday, September 15, 2006

手塚治虫 vs 浦沢直樹

Almost everyone would know Astro Boy, also known as The Atom.

He is created by 手塚治虫 (Osamu Tezuka). God of Manga in Japanese. Master of all, his creations are timeless. Kimba the White Lion, Black Jack etc etc. Heck! There is even a award in Japan call the Osamu Tezuka Awards, it awards the artist and authors of Manga in Japan, whose works have a great impact in terms of influential and greatness. The award is like the Oscars of Manga in Japan. Wanna know more about Tezuka, go google his name and you will know. He was born in 1928 and left the world in 1989). Nobody ever came close to him in terms of creativity and style.

Today, one of his chapters from Astro Boy was re-created by another amazing artist/author : 浦沢直樹 (Naoki Urasawa).

Personally, I love Naoki's work. He is a master story teller, who can create a character and made you fall in love with him/her within 20 pages, then killed off that character in the next 2 pages and make you cry. He is simply the best in this time and era. His most famous work being Monster(1995-2001), which won him the Osamu Tezuka Award in 1999. His subsequent work 20th Century Boys(1999-2006) won the Media Arts Festival Award for Excellence.

Currently, he took on a brave project and challenge. His new book, Pluto. A story arc in Astro's series.
Naoki again did an amazing job in re-creating all the characters and story line and took the readers into the story from another perspective, and you have never seen Astro Boy being portray/drawn in such a manner. Currently 3 volumes of Pluto have been released and the first volume have again won him the Osamu Tezuka Award. He is the only person that have won the award twice.

Do yourself a favor, pick up Naoki's Monster, then move on to 20th Century Boys and then jump into Pluto. You have never read anything like this before.(all books are translated into Chinese from Japanese)

Let's see if he can 1 up Osamu Tezuka by re-creating Astro boy.

(By the way, Astro Boy share the same birth date as me. He is born April 7th 2003. Me, April 7th 1976. Please note that Osamu Tezuka created Astro Boy in 1952, giving him a birth date of April 7th 2003 then.)

Photo : Naoki Urasawa's masterpieces.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


RockStar Supernova finally ended.

This show is simply the best Singing Reality Show. American Idiot? Singapore Idiot? Oh Please!!! Void decks singers those idols are... The real deal is with RockStar!! INXS found their boy last summer in RockStar:INXS. Now...RockStar:Supernova found their vocalist.

Tommy Lee say : "Lukas, you're our boy." And the band is complete.

Immediately, the legends go on stage to rock with Lukas.

Lukas Rossi in Vocals.
Jason Newsted on Bass.
Gilby Clarke with the six strings.
Tommy Lee with the Drum beat!!!

The performance simply ROCKS!!! It's Amazing!!!!

The band will release their album with a world tour starting Jan 2007.

Next summer, we shall see which legend is looking for their new boy/girl...

Rock on!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

ShawShank Redemption

Singnet technician came to my place to check on their line(after much screaming from us and resistance from them).

Guess what is finally the problem?

Their Line, Circuit Board at our unit is spoiled! Not the Macintosh, Not the Modem, Not the Ethernet Cable. It's Singnet!!!

Basically, the "problem came to resolve the problem". After so much ordeal...Finally.

I am back and out of prison!

Photo : Bridge in Milan...?

Safest & Most Dangerous Place

No, my broadband is not working yet as of now. Let's hope it gets well by end of today.

The whole Marina Centre is like a ghost town, due to IMF.
Was at a pub here last night, really dead, less than 20 person. the good thing is, we got seats! The restaurants are all so deserted, all closed off by 9pm. Everyone is avoiding this place due to this huge high profile event. Traffic are smoother and easier to get in!!

It have became such a tight secured place now that I felt like I am working in a FBI controlled area... I am either in the most dangerous or the safest place in the world now...

It's exciting to have this huge meeting!! Busy no doubt!

4 million smiles welcome you!

Photo : Dancing Queen

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Prison have no Broadband...

Internet cut me off at 12noon on 9 Sept.
Tried again and again and again, cannot get thru. Called the technical support, they ran thru all the setting, configuration, including changing wires etc... They isolate the problems down to 3 areas...

1) Modem problem
2) Ethernet Cable problem
3) Macintosh problem

Bought a new Ethernet wire that evening, dun work.

Sunday, 10 Sept
Brought existing modem to friend's place to check connection, dun work.
Bought a new modem, dun work.
Tried the new cables, modem, and settings all over again. dun work.

Monday, 11 Sept
Brought modem down for servicing and checking. Functioning fine.
Macintosh expert suspect that it might be logic board problem(where the network part is embedded in it). If logic board have problem, changing one will cost easily S$1200 and above.

Used a Microsoft operating system laptop to test connection. cun work.

Ran thru a detail diagnose of mac and it's hardware at home...results came out that my mac is in perfect healthy condition(phew!!).

Singnet insisted that it's modem, cable or mac problem. Cannot be a line problem.

Insisted that the experts from Singnet come down to check the line and connection. They will be coming tomorrow morning....let's see what the results are...

(at this point in time, I have spoke to over 7 technical supports from Singnet, and 2 of them promise to call me back within 15mins on 9 & 10 Sept respectively, but never did.) Excellent support? You be the judge.

Photo : Dead or Alive Beach Volley Ball

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Mr Crocodile & His Passion

World Famous Mr Crocodile, Steve Irwin passed away yesterday.

All kids and adults in the world knows about him and his death defying shows about Crocodiles and dangerous wild animals/reptile. What he does in his show, don't think anyone else dare repeat it.

He died doing something(a job) he LOVED and have a GREAT PASSION for. I dare say not many people in this world can say the same thing about themselves doing something they are passionate about and faces death every time.

"Passion" have found a whole new meaning.

Our respect to you and your sacrifice for PASSION, Mr Crocodile.

Photo : Flowers in respect.

2 Types of People

"The World is divided into 2. Singaporeans and Non-Singaporeans" ~~ Singaporean

Take the below test and see which group you belong to :

1) You go to a Foodcourt for lunch. You..
A - Put your cheap pack of Tissue Paper on the table and "chiop" your seat.
B - Buy your food and find an empty seat there after.

2) You go to a foodcourt for dinner with friends. You see an empty chair, you...
A - Take the chair and "own" it.
B - Ask if the chair is taken before taking it.

3) Your local Shopping Mall is having a BIG SALE. You...
A - You take leave from work, wake up 5am, go to the Mall and queue.
B - Drop by after work if you have the time.

4) You spend $500,000 for a dream car. Upon entering a carpark you...
A - Demand the $2 parking charges be complimentary for you.
B - Give $5 to the valet and ask him to keep the change.

5) After spending $20 for your dinner, upon paying the bill you...
A - Says the food is horrible and DEMAND for discount off your bill.
B - Compliment the food and pay.

There are at least 2 million more bad habits questions that can judge whether you are a Singaporean or not, but due to space constrain, I can only put 5 questions... If you answers are mostly "A", you are a Singapore by heart and nature. If your answers are mostly "B", you are a human, a non-Singaporean.

Me? I am sad to say...mostly "A"s...

Photo : Miami Beach??

Monday, September 04, 2006

Different Interest in Heart

Watched a show call Center Stage on DVD last night.

A friend HIGHLY recommended this show and said that she have watched it over 200 times(How on earth can someone do that??!!...well actually I work up the numbers abit...close tho). It's all about Ballet Dancing and how a bunch of young teenagers trying to cope and make the most out of their love, Ballet.

It was indeed a amazing show. The dances are so elegant and beautiful. Although I know nuts about ballet, and there is absolutely NO WAY I can even try to do anything that the characters have done in there...besides smoking cigis... It is still a enjoyable show.

Halfway thru, this thought came to mind.

"you have to have a interest/love in a particular subject to fully understand the nature, the toughness and the beauty of it." In this case, Ballet. I know nothing. I enjoyed the show. That's it. I can never relate to their joy and their pain of going thru what they have been thru.

Now if the show was about Photography, or Pornography, that I can relate totally. I will then be able to watch it over 200 times for that kinda subject.

Still, grab a copy of Center Stage and enjoy the Dreams, Hopes abd Passion of a bunch of young Ballerinas! You will enjoy it.

Photo : Rainbow on earth!!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Someone who is impossible to replace

Other people's decision in life often have a affecting results to our very own life. Especially if that person is someone who is dear to you and commands all your respect.

The thought of her leaving the country for good is already resulting in little accumulated tear drops in the eyes already, although there are still many more months to go...but the very thought...

She have a big influence on us and often is as understanding as our mummy. It really is very hard to imagine how things would really change without her. It gets worrying and scary as the day draws nearer. We are gonna miss her everyday. Since she's in our life almost every day. I am not sure how those closest to her would react and adjust to their life when the day come...alot of tears, I am sure.

What I am trying to say is, she commands more respect from us than anybody else and we love her wholeheartedly.

We already miss you... :(

Photo : Have absolutely NOTHING to do with this blog entry! Just love the red and the pattern!!

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Completed 24 Day 5.

Breath taking. Impossibly good. There are absolutely no shows that ever came close to 24. Nothing compares.

Saw lotsa Day 6 trailers, promos and teasers in youtube. It's simply amazing. Nothing short of spectacular!

It's gonna be a long long wait for Day 6. Premiering in USA, Jan 2007. That means the DVDs will hit Singapore shore in Nov 2007. ARGH!

For those who are still watching Day 5...i am envious of you! For people who do not know anything about this show, go grab Day 1 and prepare to loose your social life.

Currently in a state of "24 Withdrawal Syndrome".

Photo : Birds at a building in Los Angeles...? We need Jack Bauer!!(a sign of 24 addiction)