Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Joy Juice


I am not sure how many of you can remember the above drink.

Soft drink, Product of Singapore. Kickapoo, Joy Juice.

It was a novelty during my childhood days. Having a bottle(no cans then, all bottles)of kickapoo is heavan sent! Green bottle, now green cans.

Recently, I picked up a can of Kickapoo from the cold shelf of 7-11. Written on the familiar green can is the name "Kickapoo" and the bunch of cute cartoon human design. It also says, "Low calorie and no sugar!" Wow! Even Kickapoo moved ahead with time, getting involved in healthy, sugarless things.

Sadly, it tasted odd. Very odd. The lack of sugar totally kills off how kickapoo would taste like... I am disappointed.

Again, somethings are better left unchange. Better off be the old and original Kickapoo.

Photos : A policman asked me suspiciously why am I taking photos of these bicycles. I told him simply "cos it's nice!" I showed him what I had taken and set his mind at ease, he commented "The bicycles looked nice after you interpret it in your artistic way." Wow! POliceman are so smooth with their words these days...can be a Sales person...


Keevy - 小明® said...

Oh yes, our childhood fav...and Sinalco too (the orange version)....do you remember?

JackRedShoes said...

yes! But I think Sinalco have change package? Cos i hardly notice it anymore...shelf presence is very small for it. More so for Kickapoo.