Monday, January 29, 2007

Princess Zelda

Just spent over 90 hrs in Ivalice 2 weeks ago.

Took alot of my time, energy and concentration. But it was worth it, the experience and the joy. I moved on to Emergence Day, and Zack Island. Spent awhile of time there...than Hyrule came knocking on my door.

Stepped into Hyrule last weekend for the first in the last 3 years. Already spend over 8 hrs. This Hyrule is challenging. Works your brain. I spend so much time looking and solving those puzzles that I dreamt of solving puzzle last night. I woke up feeling very tired this morning... I am sure this Hyrule is gona take up as much time as Ivalice...

The Dream: "I need to find 6 individual parts of a huge machinery, to fixed all of them together to trigger a particular event. I went around my whole estate looking for the missing pieces. Untill UsagiKiller appeared in my dreams and past me some of the missing pieces... I had it all fixed and thunderstorm came, soon lightning strikes and hit, cracked open a solid rock revealing a hidden shield..."

I am in trouble. Too much Sword and Shield in Hyrule over the weekend...

Photo : Small Lions...hanging in the air...a symbol of good fortune, yet kids are afraid of them..

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