Monday, January 22, 2007

I wan this, that, dun wan this, that..

Food & beverage biz is a sure make industry in Singapore.

If you dun make any stupid mistake, you will earn big selling food. But, I notice something about consumers of Singapore.

Buying a simple bowl of minced meat noodle, they will have alot of requests. For example : "Uncle, minced meat noodle, less noodle, more meat, less oil, more chilli, more vegetable, more soup, dun wan mushroom, add ketchup."

The above scenerio happens every other minute in Singapore. It's really irritating. But, most of the food store owners here cater to all these requests. To make biz. I will be going crazy if i own a F&B store and people starts doing that.

That can happen even when buying Coffee. "Uncle, coffee, less sugar. more milk". Or "Uncle, Coffee, more sugar, a little bit of milk." Or "uncle, Coffee, no milk, a little sugar, but just a little". Fuck you la! Coffee. Period.


I am really ashame to say, Singaporeans have nothing but bad habits.

Photo : Old and new side of the gate. Contrasting difference!

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