Friday, January 26, 2007

What's Good or Bad?

The news came. Finally.

It's not bad. Better than previous.

But alot of people(including me) felt disappointed. The main reason is that a certain perception and expectation had already been set into our brain. So, when we receive something that is short of that expectation, it became lousy and bad news.

I would prefer to think from another perspective. It could have been much more worst. So in comparison, what was announced was actually not bad.

Then again, It could have been better. The reason is, we deserved more. Totally. Especially based on the end result. We deserve much more.

It is always better off without any expectation from the beginning for all things in life. So you will not walked away disappointed.

It is so true that in this world, the rich will become richer, the poor will be come poorer.

Photo : These name tags have people's name written all over it. It's for good luck, i think.

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