Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What Colour??

Ok. I have been changing the colours/layout of my blog!

Twice within the week! I know! Indecisive!

Initially settled for the green one...but UsagiKiller reminded me of the colour resemblence...! So I changed it again to another. Was thinking of using red..but it seems like pink and look totally gay. So ended up picking the idiot-proof black with coloured polka-dots at the background...

It's all UsagiKiller's fault!! Have to remind me about the green!

Well, let's hope the black background can bring out the photos that I post every blog entry. I am putting up a B&W photo today. Personally, I like this photo alot. Look at his innocent yet curious eys. Totally totally grogeous.

By the way, Steve Jobs have finally annouced the iPhone during MacWorld yesterday in San Francisco. Hooray!!!! But it do not ship untill June this year, possibly later for Singapore... :( Still let's enjoy the wait and look to the future!!

Photo : He was looking at me with those eyes as he walked past. I was lucky to able to get hold of his "look" before he turn away. I love this photo.


Keevy - 小明® said...

Photo good enough to appear on TIME magazine cover ;)

JackRedShoes said...

Wah lan! The King of Sarcasm!