Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Currently watching this Japanese serial(Japanese stuffs again?! yes I know, I am pretty up to date with the Japan entertainment scene, serial, movie, books, porn, food etc etc. Ask me, and i will know! haha! Especially porn!)

Anyway, the show's name is 結婚できない男 (basically it says : A Man that can't seem to get married). The actor is a very popular charmer call 阿部 寬(HIROSHI ABE). he is so charming and manly in most of the shows that he acted in. For this particular show, it portrays him as a single guy, who have absolutely Zero skills dealing with human and relationship. He is such a loner(and he love it that way), he lives alone and have very few friends. Whenevr he talks, he will offend the person(especially women). The way he bring his message across is totally WRONG.

He goes to the same grocery shop everyday, visit the same DVD rental shop everyday, eats the same thing everyday, walk the same path everyday, listen to the same type of music everyday, love cleanliness and everthing must be placed in tidy and orderly manner(from pens, rulers to clothes), must sit a a big table(for 6 person) alone when dine out at the same restaurant and many more weird habits!

The show have him met 3 gals of different age and how he deals with them and vice versus. It's really funny yet can relate to the current society of being/choose to be alone and not get married. It's a scary sign that almost everyone would choose to be single when given a choice. Well, there's pro and cons.

Being single, you do whatever, whenever you want. No restriction. But when you are with someone, you experience love and commitment and a whole new arena of dealing with different relations.

Again, we only live once. Do and experience as much as we can. Once you past it, that's it.

Enjoy life to the max!! Be it single or couple! (and dun get me in trouble by asking me if I prefer to be single or married!)

Photo : Colours emitted from the natural beauty of the sun!

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