Monday, January 15, 2007


Once upon a fucking time…

The World consist of 4 Kingdoms…Now, this ass story is about 2 of the 4 Kingdoms.

Kingdom of HiAide & Kingdom of Horse-Kool-Pearl.

There was this fucker from The Kingdom of HiAide that decides to switch side and join The Kingdom of Horse-Kool-Pearl. The fucker joined as Deputy, who will be incharge of the soldiers that go out for war, with Castle Mee-Lae-Nia. Castle Mee-Lae-Nia is one of the many castle that is under the rule of Kingdom of Horse-Kool-Pearl.

The King Drug-Lord of Castle Mee-Lae-Nia love the fucker to death. Supports all decisions that the fucker made and always speaks positively of the fucker. King Drug-Lord have total trust in the fucker, thinking that his castle will grow and florish in power with the fucker's contribution. Every single one of the Castle hates the fucker. With the exception of the King himself and some cock suckers, that love the taste of the discharge from the fucker's small dick.

Well, a fucker is always a fucker. The fucker srcrewed up big time(which cause Castle Mee-Lae-Nia to suffer heavy loss in war) and the Emperor of Kingdom of Horse-Kool-Pearl have to make a journey, that took him 7 days and night to reach Castle Mee-Lae-Nia, to whip the fucker. Oh boy, did the fucker get a good whipping! Pain were the fucker's ass and heart. But, being a fucker, and with a King( King Drug-Lord) that adores that fucker. Fucker manage to hang on, and create more shit. Lotsa shit. The diarrhoea kinda shit.

One fine day, King Drug-Lord decides to retire and stay in the country side to farm some "Mo Mo". With King Drug-Lord gone, fucker was terrified. Fucker think for 5 days and 5 nights. Finally, the fucker, with not much smart brain cells in the head, decides it's time to leave. There's nobody to protect the fucker! The Emperor and the new King of Castle Mee-Lae-Nia will rip apart the fucker piece by piece.

The fucker packed up, leaved and joined another Kingdom(The one that have more pregnant animals jumping all over their land than there are humans). Most of the human in this Kingdom have chains around their ankle anyway.

Wait! The story did not end here!

The fucker met the fuckress and love each other dearly and live happily every fuckerer...

There! I bitch my part.

Photo : So happy working together! Why can't everyone be like that? Huh? Sigh!


Keevy - 小明® said...

I cant follow the story at all...just know that the fucker fucked his way through!

JackRedShoes said...

Yes, that's the moral of the story.

The fucker fucked all the fucking way.