Tuesday, October 31, 2006


It's that time of the year...where the soulds come out and have fun...and we pretend(dressed) to be like them...

Of cos Jack cannot be left out of this celebration, so, we shall take a look at one of the myth that is related to Jack..."Jack-O-Lantern"

A common custom associated with Halloween is the pumpkin or carving out faces to create the jack-o-lantern placed outside houses. The jack-o-lantern comes from an Irish folktale of a man named Jack who was drunk. Jack tricked Satan into climbing a tree and carved an image of a cross in the tree cornering the devil.

After Jack died, he couldn’t enter Heaven because of his wicked ways, and he couldn’t go into Hell either since he tricked the devil. So the devil gave Jack an ember to light his way through the darkness. The ember was inside an empty turnip to keep it gleaming longer.

The Irish used turnips as their jack-o-lanterns, but when they went to America they found more pumpkins available than turnips, which created the lighted hollow jack-o-lantern pumpkins used today.

Of cos, this is just one of the many versions that we know.

Treat or Trick?!

Photo : Friends from Satan's lair...

Monday, October 30, 2006


Bahamut, Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh, Odin, Leviathan, Carbuncle, Phoenix...

After more than 3 years wait..they are finally coming back. Tomorrow is the day.(It also meant the end of social life for awhile)

Radical change of direction and style, especially the story and character building...we shall see... hope it don't disappoint...

Photo : All we need is happiness and health

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Eat & Eat

Went to China Town.

Had those yummy gozyas...

Noticed that there are really alot of elderly in Chinatown...but the food and atmosphere there is one of a kind... It is somehow very crowded and busy. More so than Orchard Road infact. Somehow, Orchard seems to have less traffic these days..maybe all the people have gone to Zombie City(Vivo City I mean!)?

We can spend the whole day walking around the F&B markets just to eat!!! Yummy!! Yummy!! Yummy!!!

Photos : Enough to drool...

Saturday, October 28, 2006


Went early to X06 this morning.

A Xbox Event from 27-29 Sept 2006.

There are lotsa XBOX360 games on show there. Managed to get a hands on and preview on some heavy hitting titles coming this holiday season.

DOA Xtreme 2 is amazing! Kokoro and Leifang are breathtaking as always! Tried all the games in the demo, including the viewing of the Pictorial Mode that is specially made available in X06(will be a unlockable in the actual game). Itagaki sure knows the perfect ratio aspect of a woman...**panting**panting***

Gears of War. It's a must buy! The graphics! The action! The tension! The firepower! Very very nicely done. Looks like a Game of The Year for 2006...!!

Did not managed to stay for the Blue Dragon Demo by the staffs tho..was a little disappointed with this..still, Blue Dragon is due this Dec. Not too long a wait anyway!

FIFA '07 looks great too! But I am sure everyone is waiting to see what Konami is doing with Winning Eleven for 360...

Besides the games on display, there are lotsa good bargains as well. The software at S$20 discount, Starhub as always there to reap off the event with Xbox Life!

As you can see from the photos, the setup was for the event is interesting. 3 Dome shape marquees that linked together with the Entrance and Exit at 2 different end. Too bad it's only a 3 day event! Too short! Let's look forward to X07! Halo 3 in '07!!

Already placed Pre-Orders for Gears of War and DOA Xtreme, finally, Nov is upon us!!

Photos : Too bad, was not allow to take photo inside the actual event...

Friday, October 27, 2006

January 2007, 24, Day 6 Premiers!!!!!!!!!!!

"For America to Survive...

..Jack Bauer...



The above is the trailer for 24 Day 6.

Freshly released into the internet.

Day 6 will premier in Jan 2007...(you lucky Americans!!!)

We will have to wait for a long long long time untill the Day 6 DVD hits our shore.

Yes, the obsession will start again come Jan...and Internet is a MUST AVOID for all 24 fanatics. If not, you will know the plot before even you watch the season!!! Arghhh!!! That cannot happen!!!

Apparently, who we thought, we saw was the President of The United States in a earlier trailer was bogus. This trailer shows the real President...and he is....

NO! Go watch yourself. Not gonna spoil it for you! Go to FOX's website and find out!! Breathless. Amazing.

James Bond, Jason Bourne, Ethan Hunt, Rambo, 大內密探凌凌發 etc etc are sissies standing next to Jack Bauer.

Jack! Jack! Jack!!

Photo : The new favorite coffee haunt for Keeve and Jack..

Thursday, October 26, 2006

My way or No way

I asked if I can be a freelance photographer and do maybe wedding or something.

If not for the fun, then at least for the extra income.

"Dun think you can. Cos knowing you, you will force the newly weds to take shots that YOU like and think that is nice. The couple will end up not having any say and it's gonna be all you only. Singaporeans cannot take it if they dun have the wedding shots that they want. So, you can forget the idea of a wedding photographer. With your character and attitiude, forget it." Was the reply I got from Tibu.

Well, hopes dashed and dreams crashed. Back to be a Amateur-Junior-Photo-Taking-as-Hobby Person(it's amateur junior, worst than a amateur!!). Sigh. Think I willl take photos of cockroaches, they will definitely not have wedding and thus will not retaliate.

Roaches, here I come!!

Photo : Stop!! I say do not cross!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Frans Lanting

Read thru 2 of Frans Lanting's books recently.

"Life : A Journey Through Time" and "Jungles".

His photos are amazing and breathtaking. Especially his most recent project, Life. Lavish 300 pages hardcover with 175 coloured photos and stories of his amazing work. It is truly a masterpiece.

He can capture wild animals and landscape so amazingly that it sets you wonder how he did it...even water lilies look so beautiful thru his lens. Simply simply beautiful work.

If anyone who would like to look at beautiful photos and wonder each time, how and under what circumstances did the photographer takes this shot etc etc, go look up Frans Lanting's work. Amazing stuffs. His website is www.lanting.com

Do yourself a favour, go see his books and work. Enjoy the finer beauty of life and art!!

Photo : Thought the blue was a little extreme but interesting after seeing the end result.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Breast Breast Baby

I notice something about women in Singaporean.

No, it's not about their stupidity and "Bimboism" or even bad manners.

It's their BRA.

Yes. Bra.

They dun seem to be wearing bras of the right size that shows and compliments their bossom. Either too big a bra or too small a bra. Most of the time is too big.

I consulted Baby Tibu and get a confirmation that in such "examples", the bra sizes are too big for their little assets. It looks hollow!!! Even with a layer of clothing on top, you can see that it's hollow beneath thhe bra! Come on!!! It's too obvious to be missed. And why am I looking at women's breast/bra? Cos I am a man. That's why. Maybe I should ry looking at men's crouch next time...

There are tons of choices for bras in the market, and each piece cost more than a man's boxer shorts. By spedning so much, dun you think you should at least try to get the right fitting size??? Sigh. Talk about "bimboism"...(try not wearing next time, it makes my job easier)

Photo : Colours colours everywhere. Yes, I know I have a liking for Indian Temple. But the colours are gorgeous!

Monday, October 23, 2006

2 Million Zombies @ Vivo City

Went to the newest mall, a novelty currently, Vivo City this afternoon.

Thinking that it have opened it's door to the public sometime back and that it's a Monday, there should not be much people there. So there I am, happily armed with a camera and a cheerful mood took off to Vivo City.

I was totally surprised, shocked and disgusted.

There are SO MANY people there!!!

The last head count I had before leaving the mall was at 2,00,147 people...Almost half of Singapore's population is in Vivo City today!! It's a Monday for goodness sake!!!! Half the population took leave(like me) and went shopping??? This is absurb...

Totally disgusted, I left the place 30 minutes after reaching. Too crowded. Too many Singaporeans. You do not want to be in a shopping mall infested with Kia-Su Singaporeans, trust me. They are like the Zombies in "Dead Rising" or "Resident Evil". That's why, shopping in Singapore for me have been, "Infiltrate into the mall, get what I want, pay, get out". The end.

Still, there is one reason why I will be going back to Vivo City again... PageOne. PageOne is gonna have a shop there. Yahoo!! Now, anything I cannot find in PageOne Kinokuniya, I have an extra avenue. Very sure not many Singaporeans will be patronising PageOne, unless they have a reason to. So I am sure, I should be able to enjoy some peace and quiet time with those gorgeous Photography Books there soon...Yahooo!!!

Photo : Burn them? Get more Haze?

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Scary Mary

Something very scary happened.

Was trying to fall asleep, when suddenly, felt a numb from my right hand knuckles moving all the way thru my whole body. And within split seconds, my whole body is numb. Immovable. Not able to talk or call out for help too. Tried struggling and twisting the whole body..it did not help. The only way is to make some sound and call for help...soon, "ARHGGGG!!" managed to come out of my mouth and the whole body gradually goes back to normal.

Was in a state of shock and all sorts of thoughts crosses my mind...Illness? Ghost pushing me down? All sorts. It's a scary experience. Hope it will not happen again.

Something even more scary happened.

"It's time for a baby".


It have started. The elders have start their plan on the babies. "It's about time. You cannot wait till you are too old"

"No intention to have one. Don't be crazy"

"What rubbish. You are gona have one. And better try for a boy. You are the only son"

"It's my right to want or not. And besides, even if I were to have one, I will WANT and HOPE that it will be a Gal. If it's a boy, I will sell him away, and try again for a gal. I prefer Gals. Period."

"Boys are to carry on the bloodline and you family."

"So what? I am not a king or some famous person. Dun need a boy, a gal will be perfect! I can doll her up and will give in to whatever request she have from daddy. She will be a 1000% Daddy's gal!!"

"A boy is a must."

" Gal or nothing. End of conversation."

After the conversation above, blood vessels expanded and pressure went thru the roof for some people(read:parents). Basically, I dun care, even if it's parents or not. I know what I want and how it's been done. Absolutely no children for the time. Zip. Nil. If it happens, I will cross my fingers that a baby gal she will be!!

Photo : Waterworld...

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Light! Camera! Action!!

The haze does not seem to be getting any better. It is definitely hindering outings for taking photographs.

Was planning for some outdoor photo shoots next few days..but with the looks of the weather and haze, does not seem like a possibility. No sunlight, no shadows, all dull and hazy. Than again, it's the best time to try out some black and white photo shots..? Maybe.

Watched "The Departed" today. Cannot help but kept comparing the show to the original "Infernal Affairs". Martin Scorsese is a great director, from The "Colour of Money", "Goodfellas", "Cape Fear" "Gangs of New York" to "The Departed". He can make no mistakes with each scene. But, it is always a danger when you remake something so successful. Not many directors have come away from much success from remakes(with exception from the likes of "King Kong", "Gladiators" etc etc).

Leonardo DiCaprio did and excellent/outstanding job in the movie. Looks like he is booking an early ticket for the Academy Awards. Totally awesome acting skills from him, and Matt Damon pales in comparison. Leonardo potray the character as aggressive and traumatic. Tony Leung(the original) is cool and traumatic. Matt Damon fails in the role that was original to Andy Lau. Andy Lau did a much better job. Of cos Jack Nicholson shows the boys how it's been done, when it comes to good acting skills. Overall, the acting of Leonardo in this show justifies the admission ticket price.

Gonna catch "Sinking of Japan" next, another remake from a old Japanese show. Have high expectation for this show..it better not disappoint.

Photo : The colours are simply gorgeous!

Friday, October 20, 2006


Finally. Back from 2 weeks of prison life like in-camp.

Due to my current Pes Status, there are almost nothing I can do in the training program. The thought of it is really frustrating! Just like in a prison!!!! The food sucks! Sleeps with a army of commando mosquitoes every night! Yucks!!

Anyway, I make full use of my time in there and do some reading and thinking.

Here are the books that accompany me for the past 14 days..

1-Black & Blue ~ Ian Rankin
2-Rebus's Scotland, A personal Journey ~ Ian Rankin
3- Life, A Journey Through Time ~ Frans Lanting
4- Elephant! ~ Steve Bloom
5- Wildlife Photographer of the Year ~ BBC
6- National Geographic ~ October Issue
7- Digital Camera World ~ Autumn Issue
8- Famitsu ~ Current Week Issue

Only in a slack and idle environment can one catch up with some reading that have been long over due. Of cos, brought along PSP with a Golf Game to keep me busy in-between books.

Upon my immediate release, I went to Kinokuniya and purchase more reading materials!!

Acquired the following...

1- 1001 Nights of Snowfall ~ Bill Willingham
2- Jack of Fables ~ Bill Willingham
3- Fables ~ Bill Willingham
4- Justice League of America ~ Brad Meltzer
5- PSM ~ December Issue
6- Photography Monthly ~ December Issue

Went home happy with the purchases... Then discovered a problem.. The books shelves in the house is getting crowded..

Will have to purchase more books shelves, and no. I will not sell or give away books that I have read. I was just thinking, there are more books and magazines in my little home than any other stuffs...

A library is forming.

Photo : Came home and found this little onion growing and reaching for the sky... Life is so full of surprises...

Sunday, October 08, 2006


**((Aftermath from Floral or Fauna : My shit smells and looks(the colour) different this morning. Must be because of last night's VEGETARIAN dinner. Ahhh! The trauma!!))**

Am going to be submerged for awhile.

2 weeks at most. If I am able to touch my computer next weekend, I will try to add an entry. If not, the next time I emerged will be near the end of October.

No, not going for a holiday. Going to don into the green camouflage uniform and black leather boots again. Yes, it's that time of the year where all the men are being called back to base camp. Besides training, this is the time where all the mates catch up with one another on their life and what they have been up to. Come to think of it, this platoon have been to recce together for 9 years already. Scary, time past so fast.

Gonna be all over the forest and also poker at night and lotsa beer as well whenever time and schedule permits!!

Ok! Soldier! Move out!!

Photo : Waited for awhile before the evening sunray lights up the beautiful place and make it picture perfect.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Floral or Fauna

Attended a wedding dinner earlier this evening.

Congrats to the beautiful couple who met and fell in love in the most romantic way. While doing voluntary work in a temple. Amazing isn't it?

The thing about this dinner is...the whole banquet is...VEGETARIAN.

It's a big big horror to me..cos I am a HUGE meat eater!!!

The funny thing is how they make all the dishes that mimics a meat dish so alike and even taste alike at times... I am simply amazed at each course that is being serve. A little looking forward to see whats being serve up next actually...

The only solitude I found this night is beer. I have 4 glasses of beer during the 2 hours wedding dinner...This is the only NORMAL food to me!!

No offense to the wedding couple and the choice of banquet of course. The problem is obviously with me. Cos I am too much of a carnivorous.

Congrats to this newly wed lovers once again!!

Photo : Green for vegetarians...arghhh!!!!!! The horror!!!!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Growing Pains

The feeling of growing up and going thru alot of things and scenarios that you do not get to experience when you were younger is scary.

Especially things that concerns your family members, things that are inevitable at many a times.

Simply hate that kinda feeling about "this is part and parcel of life and you will get stronger when all is over". Hate it.

But I am sure all will be fine and thank you all for the prayers.

Photo : Tribal in the sky...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Next weekend is Canon's photo marathon.

It's gonna be so interesting and exciting. But i am gonna missed it!

So sad. Looks like I have to wait for next year's competition to be able to participate and have fun...

Looking forward to another one, which ends in Oct. Gonna hit some shots in the next 3 weeks and hope for the best after submission... Very nervous thinking about competing. Felt like sitting for a test/exam...yucks!

It's not the worries about the results if will win or not. It's the worries that your work will be critisized by the experts! It could totally damage your hopes or make you a better photographer...

Photo taking should be fun, not stress. So, i am just gonna have fun and see what happens!!

Photo : Men at work. Out with the old, in with the new.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

No Balance

Met a former colleage last night.

She commented "You look so different now. You have change, you know??"

Nervous..I asked her.."Changed? In what ways huh??"(inside me, I was worried that the answers gonna be something like, "gain weight, look older etc etc)

She said.."you look tired and very worn out".

Phew. A little relieved yet not really.

Told her the look comes with the job. She is looking so vibrant now that she have left this industry. And me, permanent stress, long hours and Panda eyes. When I met her, she just finish her Yoga night class, I just finish my work..how exciting huh!

I think my life verus work is not balance.

Must try to find a balance...must try at least.

Photo : Colours of life. But behind the colours? Stress perhaps. Sadness even.

Monday, October 02, 2006


Watched a new Japanese Serial.

The story revolves around a Doctor who have a very suspicious and insecure wife, and a lovely young daughter. The wife suspects him everytime he speaks to a lady, any lady.

Things got worst and of cos divorce came into the picture.

The man wanted the divorce. He have enough of the situation and the wife's behavior.

The wife refused the divorce. Even went to the extend of getting a lawyer to NOT get divorce. Because of the daughter.

So basically, the daughter is the whole reason that the wife is hanging on to the marriage and do not want her to grow up with a broken family.

Then, someone, (who came from a broken family) came into the picture and said this "It is unfair to your daughter if you let her be the reason for your decision. She do not want to grow up knowing that she is the cause of both your unhappiness to stay together. If she have a choice now, she will have you both make your own decision without having her as a factor. If a settlement(emotional, financial etc etc) can be reached between both the husband and wife, why must you let someone who have no decision making power be the cause? I came from a family with exactly the same problem. And I hated myself, because I am the cause of the unhappiness for my parents for the past 25 years."

Now, the point here is, when a huge thing like a divorce is on the horizon, we always see things from the husband or wife's perspective. Becos we have the towering command and control of our children and we must make the decision for them, cos we are always right. Now, the above paragraph shows another perspective.

The child's perspective.

As a child, growing up from a happy family with the right kind of communications between the parents are important.

It will be a different scenerio altogether, if growing up with 2 adults who do not share communications, happiness and closeness. A child can be brought up in a very right manner even if the parents are seperated. It's how you handle the child and explain things slowly, step by step.

Sometimes, we adults can be so "full of ourselves" when it comes to things that we call "adult" things. It's more like a human thing than "adult thing.

Please don't misunderstood me. I am NOT encouraging Divorce or whatever. It's just that this is an interesting perspective. I don't come from a broken family and I don't have any children, so I will never understand and should not make such comments? Maybe.

But think about it.

I am thinking from the perspective of the person who grew up hating himself, as he is the cause for his parents' unhappiness all these years.

Photo : Flowers! Flowers!! Anyone for Flowers??!!!