Thursday, May 04, 2006


We put in our effort and energy to do the best in what we do, who we love and cherish.

When change comes along our daily life, we never give up and put in our heart and soul to ensure we survive and succeed. Can we do this alone? Do we need support?

It's disheartening that sometimes, we spend so much time in something, to try and do our very best, we neglect some other stuffs. We never get around to make others understand what we are doing, and in time, it builds up to be a misunderstanding and wrong perception.

We can't joke anymore, we get short tempered, we wants things fast, we don't have time etc etc. We expect others to understand, but how wrong we are.

Perceived as arrogant, overconfident, not caring, snobbish, changed person(not the one they used to know). It's disheartening.

Those that we expect to be behind us, push us forward, support us when we are about to collapse, encourage us along the way, thinks that we are beyond hope and that we are such a changed person now and gave us challenges instead of the support and encouragement that we need.

How and where should we proceed from here? Who else are we left with for support and to depend on? Who do we have to go thru rough roads and towards our dreams with us? Alone? I have no answers.

Maybe you have.

"...We lost our dreams along the way.." - X-Japan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What we ordinarily call love is usually just attachment. With attachment, we do not see people for who they are and thereby develop many expectations of them: they should be like this, they should do that. Then, when they do not live up to what we thought they were or should be, we are hurt, disillusioned, and blame them.
With genuine love, we care for other people and want them to be happy not because they please our ego and desires, but just because they exist. Real love does not expect anything from others in return.
--- Thubten Chodron