Tuesday, May 30, 2006

What a joke...

PC show will be happening in 2 days time in SUNTEC CITY. Every year during the show, companies present to the potential buyers tons and tons of special packages and attractive priced products which many of us will find it hard to resist!

This reminds me of a recent lawsuit between Creative and Apple. To make things easy, Creative sues Apple for their rights on iPods and wants them to stop selling it(patent rights). Basically, what Creative is trying to say is that Apple copied Creative's idea of iPod(it's the opposite altogether!).. Now Apple fired right back with a counter lawsuit. (The world knows that Sony introduced the MP3 players and Apple came late with the iPods, and were a laughing joke from a lot of industry experts saying that Apple is selling a "mirror"-{back of the iPod} for such an expensive price, where a cheaper version from any competitors could provide the same functionality. All predicted that Apple made a drastically wrong move and it will hurt the company very badly. Look what happens now? Almost every one in the world owns or have purchased an iPod..)

Blaming someone for your bad business decisions, poor marketing, zero creative(vity), will not help.

This further ensures the status of my support for creative products : Never did and never ever will be.

Mr Sim, you are pathetic.

Photo : amen.

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