Monday, May 01, 2006

Prefrontal Cortex

The 2 hemispheres of the human brain are divided into 4 parts -
Frontal Lobe, Parietal Lobe, Temporal Lobe & Occipital Lobe.

The pefrontal region, which makes up the large part of the frontal lobe, is the foundation of creativity, memory, communications and self-control.

It's role could be describe as the "brain within the brain".

It's the "control tower" of your brain. It determines how you use stored knowledge in pratical situations. This means that your pratical intelligence or ability to apply stored knowledge to your everyday reality, depends upon how well your prefrontal cortex functions.

Dr. Ryuta Kawashima of Tohoku University developed a game call Brain Age with Japanese game developer Nintendo. This games trains your brains everyday, for a few minutes. It consists of hundreds or mathematical puzzles, counting, reading out loud exercises and also Sudoku. At the end of everyday's training, it measures the age of your brain. The best age for the brain, irregardless of your actual age, is 20.

My Brain Age for yesterday was 54. Today, it came down to 53.

Sad. I am hardly at that age physically!!

I have to do this brain age training's depressing.

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