Monday, May 22, 2006

A Mile to the First, An Inch to the Second

Had my first one about 5 years ago. Not exactly small for a first one. love it till this day tho, never did regret my choice and decision. It did altered my luck a little after it became part of me, for the better that is.

Been itching to have another one. As they say, it takes a mile for you to decide on your first one, after you will only need a inch to decide on the second one. Cannot really decide where it should go now, but how it should look like have more or less been decided... Hope i can have it by end of 2006 as a welcome gift for myself in 2007.

Afterall, 7 is my lucky the more i should welcome 2007 with a new art of joy.

Photo : More flowers, no, it's not THAT kinda flower.

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