Tuesday, May 02, 2006

It's My Life

Was trying to convince a long time friend today to buy a Apple iMac. Were blabbling about how good iMac is with the fantastic iLife program.

Then he said he hardly have time for his PC now let alone investing in a iMac. So there i was explaining to him about iLife which is a short form for internet life. Then we started to come out with more "Lifes"....

He have all his time for his kids, which makes him kLife now... and from there it moves on to nLife(no life), pLife(pathetic life), and on and on and on...

Are we having only wLife(work life) or real qLife(quality life)? What kinda life do you have? Go on, create some "?Life" for yourself!

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

I guess sometimes it is not up to the person to decide what life he/she wants to live. There are too many determinants especially external forces.