Sunday, May 14, 2006

Manners and Attitude

People just pushed themselves into the train even before you could alight. They even stand there and look at you with that kinda accusing eyes that you should give way to be broading and not the other way around. What Manners!

People stand in the middle of the road, playing with their precious 4 years old child and oblivious to the whole world, in turn hogging the human traffic behind. You say excuse me and they look at you with accsing eyes that you are so rude. What Manners!

People stroll along the busy one-way street talking into their mobile and not knowing that there are lotsa people behind them rushing for time. You say excuse me so loud as you worry they can't hear since they are killing themself with mild radiation while on the phone. They turned and glare at you that you are so rude, speaking so loud in public. What Manners!

People all jammed themselves on both the right and left side of the escalator and stopped anyone who is hoping to climb up on the right side. Standing on the left, moving on the right, remember? Well, you cannot raised your voice to say excuse me this time, too many people on the escalator! What Manners!

Are Singaporeans really so inconsiderate and full of themselves? Just the above 4 examples are enough to justify alot of things... or izzit that i am the only one that is at fault since i spoke so loudly "excuse me" on all four examples...

Developed? no doubt. Strong economy? Absolutely. Cultured? Far from it.(felt so ashame to be a Singaporean sometimes)

Everyone is right but me?


Photo : Water Lily with droplets...some things never change since childhood...

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