Thursday, May 18, 2006

Captain Sore Looser

Great Win for Barcelona.

What a boring final tho.. No excitment, no drive...yawnn..

Thierry Henry, the most beloved child, the great one, captain of Arsenal let the team down when they needed him the most. He did not drive the team and lift them up thru the match, he sunk with them. I am a Reds, but not to be bias, see how Gerrard had lifted the men from Anfield in Istanbul last year and Cardiff just 5 days ago. Both times goals down, to win the silver ware! Well, what can we expect, Henry is not in the mold of Keane, Viera, Cantona, Gerrard. Far from it. Great scorer/finisher, zero in leadership.

Chelsea, Man U and Liverpool might have provide a challenge and make the final more interesting.

Yawnn..boring final.. Yawn...

Photo : Our colourful Carpark!

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