Thursday, May 25, 2006

Money Money Money

Money makes the world. Money Rules the world.

The rich will always get richer and the poor will always get poorer. It's a sad thing seeing how some filthy rich people spend their money. Millions for a falshy car, more houses than they need, thousands of dollars for a watch, more food than they can finish the lost goes on and on and on. It's disgusting how the rich live and behave.

Surely the amount of money they spend for a watch or a car can feed alot alot of homeless, starving people and people who require medical attention. Some many people need money just to live the day, but there are so many people who have more and more money by the day, and use it in disgusting ways.

If i am filthy rich one day, i will buy many houses, many cars and chauffeur(you don't drive when you are rich, your are being driven!), brush my teeth every morning with Moet & Chandon, bath in milk, buy Rolexs for every beautiful gal that i know, wear gold plated underwears(yes, gold plated) etc etc...

No wait! I should be doing charity!! Then again, why the fuck should i? I am filthy rich, i am alive and happy, i don't care about anyone else. People can starve and die for all i care! You can hate me for all i care! The point is, I AM RICH and behave like the Rich!hahaha!

Think i am better off being poor and loved...

Photo : Long Gao

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