Tuesday, May 23, 2006

It's Black, It's White

Never really had the confidence to shoot Black & White Photos. Think they are one of the toughest to master(not that i had mastered anything before). Life is often mentioned as black and white, yet everyone wants a colourful life. Think that our life can be colourful if we want it to be. Be with the people you love, do things you like, eat when you feel like it, drink when ever you want, so much things to do! Life is short!!!! Don't be just black or white. Be alive!

Well, for the next few days entries, I shall post some B&W shots up for verbal and written abuse/criticism. Go ahead, take out your poison and leave some horrible comments.

Photo : Me, Me It's always about Me. The world revolves around Me and everyone should love Me. Just Me Me and more Me!


Keevy - 小明® said...

who took this photo 4 u?

Anonymous said...

Who else but the one and only - ME! Hahaha! Now you know who has the real talent in the family.


Keevy - 小明® said...

Good shot, da shao! ;)

Anonymous said...

In the above photo, it is obvious that the look and expression of the charming man has surpass the skill of the idividual who pressed the shutter. At times, its not about the skill, its about the model. In this instance, its the latter.

Steve McCurry

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ, Mr. McCurry. Being a photographer yourself, you should know better that a talented individual (BTW, this is the correct spelling of INDIVIDUAL) capture moments... and in this instance, I managed to capture a very down and out man in deep thoughts... about where to find more money... DID YOU SEE THE DESPERATION ON HIS EYES?