Friday, May 26, 2006


When was the last time you praise someone? 3 years ago?
When was the last time you complain and bitch about some one? Right now?

Well, the point is, we complain more than we praise. Whcih means, we are more negative than we are positive, which also means that we get jealous easily, which in turn means that we are the best ourselves and the rest of the people around you are gonners.

"Well, who can be better than me? I am always correct and everyone else is wrong!" this is always what we will sad...

The world will be such a friendly place should everyone are positive and nice...

Come one, make a point, praise or compliment 3 person each day, it will make you a much happier person than bitching away about someone or something.

By The way : RedHotChiliPeppers released a new double album Stadium Arcadium. Great stuffs in there. All new tracks with all the different style from their very first album to the latest. Check it out. Highly recommended!!!

Photo : More Long Gao


Anonymous said...

Yer B&W shots are gettin interesting. Been following your posts very closely. G8 job! Lookin forward to your coming ones.

Keevy - 小明® said...

People are so negative (and highly suspicious) nowadays that compliments can even be treated as fake ones or even as sacarstic remarks...Probably they even think that you just have a 'flowery mouth'

JackRedShoes said...

Thank you for the compliments. I have some B&W shots of breasts of different sizes(some with extremely sexy lacy bras) coming right up!! Stay tune!!!

heh heh heh...

Jack B.