Saturday, December 30, 2006

World Dominance


What happened for the last 72 hours clearly demonstrates how reliant we are on technology.

Earthquake. Submarine Cables affected. Vast majority of network down. Asia, USA all affected.

Some business came to a standstill, some switch backed to manual operations, even Faxing are affected. No internet(or slowdown), information are limited, suddenly people are watching the News on TV versus checking CNN, BBC, CNA etc etc via the internet. "Information Constipation" is what we have. Emails, MS Outlook is down, no way of checking our planners if we are using the outlook heaviy. The whole network is down and nothing passes thru to us.

The good thing is that it happend during the festive season. Imagine it happened in July or August(busy corporate months), economy will suffer tremendously. We relied very much on technology, so much that a natural act by mother earth causes us so much pain.

To think of it, it's really quite scary... Imagine the whole world's network is down for 1 whole month. Nothing will be working in terms of network etc etc... That would have a huge effect on everything in our life...

I am currently reading 1984 by George Orwell. It's uncanny how the whole situation reminds me of the Orwell's world in 1984. Everything/everyone under the watchful eyes of the Big Brother, everyone is brainwashed, believing in history and events that never took place, everything under the Big Brother's control with technology and human mind manupilation... All we need is one person/organisation who is smart enough like Big Brother to control the world thru technology...

Give me my type-writer!(than again, life would be meaningless without mac...)

Photo : Basically, the chinese words says "Drink alcohol often and you will have better energy..."

Monday, December 18, 2006

Codex Leicester


Finally gotten something that I have been lusting for many years.

It's my X'Mas present from UsagiKiller. I have been wanting to buy it for years, somehow, the price vs size just does not justify the purchase...

It's a Agenda(Organizer-Diary).

The boutique was filled with people. Felt just like a market when we stepped in. We were totally shock and puzzled why this boutique have so many people in it, the things that was sold in this boutiue is nowhere near cheap to warrant such traffic. A simple sling bag will cost you S$1600.(yes, we paid quite a bit for the Agenda).

I think everyone had gotten their 13th month and goes there to buy and buy all the bags and wallets! Wow! Rich! So envious!!!

I really like this Agenda and hope that it will be my version of Codex Leicester as what Leonardo Da Vinci's Codex Leicester is. A record of all things Jack! Maybe after a few hundred years, it will be in a museum and called JackRedShoes's Codex Leicester!


P/S:Yes, no photo this time. I have to admit. I have not been behaving and uploading my photos last weekend. I was spending an obscene amount of time per day in Ivalice. I have racked up over 55hrs now and have 3 characters at level 50, where the other 3 is on the way to 50... Very soon...I will have level 99 for all 6 characters! I am totally addicted now. cannot stop... It's a obsession to have your characters to level me... if you love RPG, you will understand...

Friday, December 15, 2006

Uno, Dos, Tres!!

Today is my 3rd Year Anniversary with the company.

3 feaking wonderful, beautiful and gorgeous years with all the Ladies & Gentlemen!

Everyone have grown wiser and prettier since 36 months ago. Still as charming and wonderful as they can be! It's really a great family here! Being the only thorn here among all the beautiful roses makes my life kinda easier too. Hahaha!

It really felt like yesterday that I just came onboard, the next thing I know~~ZOOOOOOOM!!~~ 3 years! Amazing how time flies when you grow older and having fun along the way. 3 Years...3 more years older, 3 more years of experience gained, 3 more years of learning, 3 more years of understanding human relationship, 3 more years of seeing the many many things can and had happened within last 3 years.

It's time to carefuly thought out the path ahead. Personal wellness is important, ultimately, you work for yourself, what you wanna achieve in life. Not your company. To your company, everyone is expandable. To you, your well being is everything and not expandable.

I am not gonna do this forever. The timeline have to be in place to reach my objective. Where, what I wanna do in how many years etc etc. Career development/advancement is 97% up to myself, 1% luck , 1% connections, 1% timing. We cannot totally rely on others at all. Persistence is the word. Keevy had started his first step for the New Year ahead, Congrats! I sometimes wish I can say the same, but the time seems not to be yet.

I am sure I will come to a point that I have to move on and do something totally different in life. The point might come next year, 2 years time or even next week. Who knows.

We are so busy in and out of office every single day of the week. Work is definitely still in the mind during off-work hours! There are absolutely no time for your mind to be free and think about ourselves.

Need to detach from work and free your mind and think. Think of everything. Think carefuly. (will probably need lotsa coffee to prevent my skull from splitting open while thinking...)

Let's see what happens in 2007.

Photo: Star Light, Star Bright, lotsa Stars I see tonight..

Thursday, December 14, 2006

My Car Bigger Than Yours!


I have absolutely no idea why there are so many roadworks throughout this tiny little island of Singapore. For roads that are in fine working condition, suddenly, a heavy truck will be there, closed off 1 to 2 lanes with those cones and start digging. The road is perfectly fine and dun seem to have a problem.

The above cycle happens every day. EVERY SINGLE DAY. Somewhere in Singapore.

Half the time, the reason for a traffic jam is due to such stupid acts. Closed off 2 lane from a 4 lane highway with heavy traffic flow(Any hour of the day you can witness it). The other reason for traffic jam are SINGAPOREANS. YES. SINGAPOREANS.

SINGAPOREANS love to drive. Recklessly. Fantasizing that they are some race Champ or the actor in Tokyo Drift(Bloody stupid movie by the way), speeing and creating deaths. Comparing who have the best car, with the best modification for beauty and power(I import this from where and where etc etc..haha!), then start speeding on the highway with their imaginary competitors. When car got scratch, blame the whole world but themselves. Sometimes, Singaporeans can be so simple minded and naive.

Drive safely please. Think you can race? Go join Formula One or hit the arcade. If not, shut up and drive carefuly. It's fine that you dun wan your life, but we want. Thank you very much. I love you too. Simpletons.

Photo : Reach for the sky!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Watched the new Ayumi Hamasaki MTV last night.


Amazing MTV.

Her MTVs are always so beautifuly done with amazing and innovative concepts. Really kudos to the production team, the designer etc etc to come out with all the creative concepts to keep us audience captivated.

Jewel have her surrounded by all thing made of crystal/diamind clear jewels. Right down from the plants, trees, flowers, leaves, rain, water droplets etc etc... very very beautiful...

Her MTV never fails to amazes the audiences, thru so many years and so many individual MTVs, it just keeps maintaining the standard and innovation. Her concert always sells out in Japan and her entertainment value is very very high!(We see alot of Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore so called artists are copying her concert style and approach, even the MTV). It's always a joy watching her MTVs.

There was one that have her pole dancing...ok..enuff said!

Photo: Balls of X'Mas....

Monday, December 11, 2006

Junk & Gem

Watched the 43rd Golden Horse Award on Saturday night.

Fabulous show. Good quality movies and excdellent actors/actress are been awarded for the hard work that they have done for the past years. Lotsa really good actors and actress attended the award as usual. Unfortunately, Tony Leung was not in attendance. But, Takeshi Kaneshiro made up for Mr Leung's absence. Both excellent actors are currently filming a movie together, and reported to be kinda heavy movie. I personally cannot wait to see 2 great looking, and strong actors in one show.

Aaron Kwok won the best actor for the 2nd year straight. Kudos to him! Well done on his part. He still have what it takes after all these years. Look at Andy Lau…kinda fading slowly… Leon lai??? What Leon Lai?? Jacky Cheung is still the god of Songs.

Jay Chow and Anthony walked on stage to hand out a particular award. The first thing that came out of my mouth when I saw both of them walking out was "An Idiot and a Genius. Perfect combination and showcase of talents." Of cos, Anthony Wong is the genius and Jay Chow is the wanna-be-song-creator-who-only-people-with-IQ-below-10-will-listen-to-his-songs idiot. Excellent contrast! Kudos to the Awards committee that put the 2 of them together on stage!!

Usagi Killer told me that Singapore is hosting it's very own Star Awards on Sunday. My first reaction was "huh? Thought they just did it 2 months ago? No?" I must be hallucinating.

Why on earth would Singapore do that? There's absolutely no talent and quality in whatever the locals produced. The actors, the actress…wah lan! Total junk. All wannabes who think that they are quality players whom people love so much. Please, wake up. You audience have been the population of Singaporean, aunties and uncles, young little things of 15 years old. Anyone who knows and enjoy quality movies, serials, acting, variety shows etc etc, will not enjoy anything that is put out locally, and with local actors and actress. I just cannot stand the local entertainment scene(Serials, Movies, Radio, Variety Show etc etc). It's full of non-sense. It's a disgrace. Please, just forget it.

Jack Neo is probably the only one worth applauding for his contribution to the local entertainment scene. But too bad, his resources(Actors & Actress) are too limited locally.

Maybe Singapore should join Malaysia and do shows together. Equally bad quality. Dubbed in Malay mabe…to increase the viewership. Ha! What a joke. (Try airing the Golden Horse Award and Local Awards at the same time slot. Tabulate the viewship percentage for each. Dare you. Dun even bother thinking about the Academy)

Ooops. Seems I am being too critical again. Sure thing there will be people that's gonna scold me with things like "you dun appreciate the local talent la, you so good, you go and act la blah blah blah." Well, I am not good, that's why I know and stay where I am. Or maybe I am just being critical and cocky and enjoy bitching! hahaha!

Maybe I should say...Singaporeans are WONDERFUL in the entertainment arena! Far beyond Oscar and Golden Horse quality! It's Hollywood's lost not to have our talents!.... Mr Spacey, Mr DeNiro, Mr Hanks, Mr Nicolson, Mr Leung, Mr Chow, Mr Wong and many many more, please step aside! Here comes the Singaporean talents!!


Photo : Angel of x'Mas!!!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Red Red Wine

Had a wine tasting session last night.

Started with 4 wine glasses(2 red & 2 white) and 1 champagne on my table setting. Once the red & white started flowing... I just cannot stop(as always!!)

Very soon, I ended up with 10 wine glasses instead of the initial 4... hahaha! It turned out to be a wine "Drinking" session instaed of a wine "Tasting" session for me!

The gals are trying to be on track and go with the sommelier's flow on the how's and why's, following the notes and explanation...

Me..? I am already in my own wine drinking wonderland...

Namaste kept saying.."Jack! Can you please go along! We are still with the white!!!"..hahaha! Of cos I din hear...cos, I already started hearing Lounge music around me(imaginary).. hahahahahaha!!!

Lotsa fun!!!

Photo : Man-made Christmas Tree...

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Shanghai ~ Streets Yet Again

Yes yes yes...the human are coming soon...wait.. look at the streets first..

1~The leaves are all drying...(Took me awhile to get this right)
2~Sidewalk with beautiful sunshine...
3~Dried leaves on the floor...(obviously)
4~I have to say again, sunshine in the morning is the best..
5~This is their shopping street...the human traffic can flood the island Singapore...

Shanghai~Streets Again

More street photos and living of the people of Shanghai...

Photos(Top to Bottom):
1~Really beautiful weather and cool...
2~This style of street is right next to a high rise morden building...amazing.
3~See, typical Shanghai style housing next to a sky scraper...
4~The boss is in..
5~Fruits are a big thing in Shanghai...


Here, we kick off a series of street scenes from Shanghai... hope the photos are not too lousy...

It's really amazing what you will see on the streets, especially at those little corners and areas that you think will have nothing. It's full of hidden secrets.

These days, seems to have problems with taking photos at alot of places...all thanks to the terrorist attacks, that made photo taking a challenge. With a huge camera and you are a terrorist. Shopping Center think you wanna bomb them, fruit sellers think you wanna bomb them too...EVERYBODY is so suspicious of each other now! Ha! Well, guess we cannot blame them for being careful. Still, that will not stop people who love photography I am sure!

Photo(Top to Bottom):
1~Absolutely no idea what kinda meat he is cutting...
2~Cart with rubbish or makeshift home...?
3~Mobile Fruit Seller.
4~The odd building out of the whole street, Red!!
5~So warm, soft and beautiful...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006



I have put up the photos and little notes/write ups about Shanghai.

I always wakes up about 6:30 - 7:00am(depending on when the Sun rises in the particular city), and hit the streets after a good cuppa to have the photo shoot(Of cos UsagiKiller is still sleeping thru the whole process).

in the next few blogs, I will show the streets life. Something that always amazes me in every city. I am gonna have the coloured and B&W photos to show in the next few entries. Hope the photos are not too bad... Do commment if you have any.

Bare with me!! Enjoy!!

Photo(Top to Bottom)"
1~Jack, early in the morning...
2~Jack and his favorite Red Shoes..hahahahahaha!!
3~Cuppa..what pushes me everyday...keeping me alive...
4~The notes that I have to scribble everynight to make sure i dun forget what i see..
5~My ever reliable camera...(lens cover taht is!!) Nikon...Jack's only choice..hahah!

Shanghai ~ The Bund

The bund. It's a DAMM famous and popular place, for both the locals and tourists.

We were there at about 3pm..and there were thousands of people there. All taking photo and enjoying the beautiful view from the Bund.

The Bund is basically like our Marina Bay, just much longer, and much much much much more beautiful then what we have. From the bund, you get to see the TV tower and many commercial buildings that make the whole coast so's really beautiful.

The night scene was equally amazing. But unfortunately, I did not bring my tripod along, and the weather is going to about 4 degrees at night, thus, my hand is shaking and numb. Totally not able to produce a decent night shoot photo. No chance for a long exposure at all. Still managed to pull off a couple of shots...

Right next to the bund is the ever famous "Peace Hotel". Beautiful building. More so than Raffles Hotel and Fullerton Hotel combined.

Something weird happened at the bund...someone was selling "Smelly Tofu" in the middle of the bund..the wind carries the smell as far as it can and "killed" alot of people.. I mean.."Smelly Tofu??? In Shanghai???" hmmm....

I simply love the Bund. Amazing.

Photo(top to bottom):
1~View from The Bund. The unique structure is the TV Tower. BEAUTIFULLY DONE
2&3~Different perspective from the Bund
4&5~Night view from the Bund

Shanghai - A Ping...

This is the place.

We had a hard time finding it on the first day.

Only from recommendation that people will know the place. Not manay people actually know that this place exist. We walk and walk and got lost(thanks to all the conflicting direction the streets people gave), and finally...we found the place! Lucky the weather is cool and nice to walk...

The BIG DEER ROAD!!! hahahahaahhah!

Of cos, we spent lotsa money in this shop... we have requests and also personal purchases too. We spent about 3 hours with A Ping...

Dun ask me what she sells, all I can say is, her stuffs are Triple Grade A products!!!

She is very nice, and easy to discuss with. Patience as well, which is very tought to find from people there...

Photo(Top to bottom):
1~The only link we have to A Ping...
2~Street outside A Ping's
3~Yes! We found it!!!
4~A Ping's door that looks scary..dunno what's inside..but it's full of wonder!
5~View from A Ping's window...

Shanghai - Xiao Yang

This famous dumpling is one of the top 2 in Shanghai. It shared honours with another shop.

We only managed to try this one.

It's really a long queue with alot of locals and also some tourists. Apparently, not many tourists seems to know this place...hmmm...

The pan fried dumpling have very juicy meat in it, with alot of gravy! It's the perfect food to eat during such cold weather! We bought spend less than S$2 for 12 huge dumplings!!! It is impossible to eat in the restaurant, so, we act like the locals, stood by the roadside to eat! hahahaha!!

The shop also sells BBQ chicken wings, but we are too full to have any of that... Once again, the taste of the dumpling is unforgettable...

Photo(from top to bottom):
1~The Dumpling shop
2~The Queue, UsagiKiller so happy waiting for the food...
3~The dumpling...
4~lotsa dumpling
5~Yummy Yummy Yummy!!!!

Shanghai ~ Street Food Again

Lotsa nice street food!

We did not have as much as we would like to!

We had the "Tian Jin Bao", it's only S$0.20 per so cheap, and its so so yummy! Also, a long queue. It seems like the good food all have long queues... It's really nice to have warm yummy bao at such a cold weather..

Right next to the bao store, is this famous Chinese Meat Stcik shop called "Shen Da Cheng". The crowd around this shop is really huge! And the thing is, its good food at real cheap price!

Look at the photos and see the nice smelling steam coming out from the shops. We really can eat all thses food thru the whole stay, but unfortunately, we only had 1 stomach each..sigh...

Photo(Top to Bottom) :
1~Tian Jin Bao Store
2~Steamy Tian Jin Bao
3~Shen Da Cheng Store
4~Meat of Shen Da Cheng
5~Preparation of Shen Da Cheng

Shanghai ~ Street Food

We tried some restaurants in Shanghai.

Some are really good, some, good yet suspicious...hahah!

We had the popular Dumpling, and the stuffing of the dumpling have all sorts of ingredients available. We took the conservative path, had pork and vegetables. It's really cheap. We have 12 dumpling and 1 big bowl of soup, cos us nothing more than S$3. We are totally full from a S$3 for 2 person meal. Fumbled a little during the food ordering, the system is a little different from Singapore or even Japan...look totally like a clown trying to figure out how and what to do...and the people there are not exactly the helpful and courteous type...

When we were at the bund, it was so so so cold(4-5 degrees), we hit into a restaurant just below the bund. The restaurant serves typical Shanghainese food. Very very local dishes. As expected, we are the only to non-Shanghainese in the restaurant. The people surrounding us are all talking so loudly taht they look like they are fighting, but trust me, they are having a FRIENDLY conversation. Now about thevrestaurant... I ordered fried beef and UsagiKiller orderd a Huge bowl of Fish and Vegetable Soup, plus a plate of preserved vegetables.

Yes, the Beef looks very very very suspicious. This thought came upon me when I am eating the beef.."Dunno where this cow is from..or is it even cow or cat meat perhaps..." Of cos i din tell UsagiKiller, I told her the beef is really soft and juicy and have no strong smell, that she should try it. Of cos, she was convinced and had a piece...hahahahahahahahaahah!(Gotcha!)

Ok, the soup is really huge. Can serve a family of 5!!! We could hardly finish it..but it was yummy. Very local, very yummy! I told UsagiKiller taht the fish in the soup could be some weird fish from the river at the Bund! Of cos that spoiled her dinner!! hahahahahaah!

The preserved Vegetables looks the most harmless...

Photo(from Top to bottom) :
1-Vinegar for the Dumpling
2-THE Dumpling
4-The Fish-from-Bund-Soup
5-See how big the bowl of fish soup is...!