Monday, June 04, 2007

2nd Home

Was moving and clearing stuffs from my work area this morning.

I get this "stroke" of clearing my area every once in a while. I did not plan for it. When it happens and my system tells me "Jack, let's do it", I will drop everything and start cleaning.

After clearing..I have some stuffs that I need to bring home...

24 Season 4 DVD
24 Season 5 DVD
Prison Break Season 1 DVD
1 Korean Movie DVD
4 Pairs of shoes
2 Neck Ties
1 Pants
1 Novel
Half a packet of (at least 3 months old) cigis
1 Pair of cufflinks
1 Watch
1 Travel bag

Dun ask me how did I manage to have all these at my work area... It beats me as well...

This place is like my second home...

Photo : Graveyard


Keevy - 小明® said...

Half a pack of 3 mths old cigis??? Wah, you champion leh...why don't you take a stick and try taking a puff...hahaha

JackRedShoes said...

i did...

Keevy - 小明® said...

wah lau...gross lor...