Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I cannot understand the thoughts and behavior of some people.

Their "narrow mind", "their petty heart".

For some people, they deem theselves as successful individuals or their partners as THE MOST successful person. They love to compare and compete among their own group of friends. When someone does "This"..they will have to do it too, and will have to be bigger and better!

Where's the logic? Why compare? For What? To Prove you are better?

If you are indeed better, you dun need to prove it, people will tell you.

Not only that, they gossip among themselves and backstab each other. Please remember, theses are all friends I am talking about. Imagine, a bunch of…say..7 friends, they are so called "Good", "Better" "Best" friends. They are so so friendly and "close" to each other, they laugh and joke.

BUT, Friend 1 will talk bad about Friend 2 to Friend 3. Then Friend 1 will talk bad about Friend 3 to Friend 4. Also, Friend 3 wil talk bad about Friend 2 to Friend 4. Friend 4 will bitch about Friend 1 to Friend 2…the cycle goes on and on and on…(they are all good friends, please remember).

Again, where's the logic?

What?! Ya, like that. This bunch of clowns are really. Some of the worst possible human beings I came across.

There are just so so so many more incidents and examples from these bunch of fools, the more I though about about it, the more sick I felt. Really, trust me, you ain't seen anyone like this...

I am thankful I am not their "friends".

Whenever I attend something they organise, I will sit back, enjoy the show and laugh to myself.

Good friend are hard to come by and we MEN dun do this to our fellow male good friends.

Ya, the above story is about a bunch of women. With limited brains cells I would say. No heavenly bodies as well within any of their possession. So not bimbos.


Photo : Whose key is it on the tree...???

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

Like you said, just sit back and enjoy the show...it is so interesting to observe the behaviour of our fellow human beings