Sunday, June 17, 2007

Couple of Irritants

There's this really irritating "couple" who are always waiting for the same bus with me every morning.

The lady looks like she's in her late 30s and the man is in his late 40s. It's pretty obvious that the man is trying so so hard to get close to her, courting her even. She seems to be enjoying the attention from him.

The man is always dressed in cargo pants, badly worn out construction worker boots, T-shirts of many different companies(looks like that kinda T-shirts given to companies employees during family day etc etc). The lady is dressed from head to toe with This-Fashion clothing. Very Jiu-Hu infact…

A little mismatch at first. But after looking at them for so long, they look like a match made in heaven.

It's obvious the lady loves attention and loves young men. I caught her admiring at a few young men at the bustop.

The man MUST sit with her when they board the bus. With a slight sighting of the bus, he would rushed to the edge of the curb, stand at the "prime" position and wait for the bus. He must be the first to board, and find 2 empty seats that can accommodate him and his lovely This-fashion girlfriend.

If they are separated with different seats in the bus, he will be all jumpy and agitated. When someone moves or alight, he would quickly move to the empty seats and asked his girlfriend over.

It's like a comedy every morning. And turns to irritation.

Photo : Mirror Mirror on the wall...

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

Hahaha...i can imagine the irritatingness of it