Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Chain of Thoughts

This morning, It's my turn to energize the "Gold Standard of the Day".

I usually do not do preparation work for this, just hit out whatever I have in mind. Was the desired results always achieved? I dunno.

So I was thinking of what to address the department this morning…and from the "Promise"..my thoughts spinned off to the "Credo", the "Motto" etc etc…and somehow, my thoughts landed on "men" who are better at "ruling", "managing" loves "excitement" and "challenge"… than their counterparts "women"… (I am still trying to figure out how my chain of thoughts ended up there…)


Majority of rulers, presidents, kings, CEOs are male. Somehow, men are better in doing "big" things compared to women. One of the main reason I can think of is the "emotional" factor.

Women tends to let their emotions get in the way, clouded their perception and affect their judgement calls. Whereas men, the only distraction for us are probably "breasts"…

Men loves excitement as well. Sports for example. The kinda excitement they get out of it…it's huilarious to a lady…

Men also love the excitement in pursuing things that they have difficulty or needs a lot of effort and challenge getting, be it valuable items or women of a certain nature. Dun you find it exciting "getting" a woman who gave you so much resistance initially?? The problem is, after achieving "her", we tend to "throw" her aside and look for new challenges.

Hahah!! Men!

Well, I am sure some people are gonna murder me for making such statements. Well, I cannot help it, I am born a man!!!(I think next life, I will probably be a prostitute.)

Photo : Hanky Panky...

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