Friday, June 08, 2007

Elites and Vermins

Keeve mentioned in one of his previous blog entry about the "Elites" and the "Loosers". I dun think looser was the term Keeve used, but we shall call them Vermins here.

I have to say, the vermins are really really ridiculous.

In my environment here, we have a very distinct line drawn between the Elites and the Vermins. When I say "distinct line drawn", I dun mean, we dun talk to them, we walk past them without seeing them etc etc. We are cordial to them. Some of us even lunched with the vermins everyday. It just the clean and precise seperation of Elite and Vermins, results sometimes speaks louder than words.

We have very few Vermins here. Mostly Elites. Well, not to sound big headed or arrogant, but people who are here, are only the Elites. If you are not an Elite, you probably dun belong here. Somehow, there are still few of these Vermins breeding and surviving among us Elites.

One of them pissed me off totally today. Big time.

I am EXTREMELY UPSET at that person's competency level and judgement. This person simply does not belong here, the only reason is, the person's eyes are blue. That's it.

I shall not go into details about the whole thing, but all I can say is, this Vermin is really useless. Absolutely no measurement for his/her incompetency level. They are gonna get it sooner or later. And you know what, I dun give a shit about this person, and I have tolerated enuff. One more time, he/she is gonna get it straight in the face from me.

Here, we have 3 types of class :

1) Elites
2) Vermins
3) Blue Eye Vermins

Most Vermins are gone, now only left with the blue eye vermins.

Photo : Saw this on one of the Starbucks table in one of it's particular outlet that I visited often. There's the "pop" up effect from the drawing. Been vandalised obviously. But artistict nevertheless. Personally, I like it.

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

I think I used the term 'social outcast' vs 'social elites'