Monday, January 29, 2007

Princess Zelda

Just spent over 90 hrs in Ivalice 2 weeks ago.

Took alot of my time, energy and concentration. But it was worth it, the experience and the joy. I moved on to Emergence Day, and Zack Island. Spent awhile of time there...than Hyrule came knocking on my door.

Stepped into Hyrule last weekend for the first in the last 3 years. Already spend over 8 hrs. This Hyrule is challenging. Works your brain. I spend so much time looking and solving those puzzles that I dreamt of solving puzzle last night. I woke up feeling very tired this morning... I am sure this Hyrule is gona take up as much time as Ivalice...

The Dream: "I need to find 6 individual parts of a huge machinery, to fixed all of them together to trigger a particular event. I went around my whole estate looking for the missing pieces. Untill UsagiKiller appeared in my dreams and past me some of the missing pieces... I had it all fixed and thunderstorm came, soon lightning strikes and hit, cracked open a solid rock revealing a hidden shield..."

I am in trouble. Too much Sword and Shield in Hyrule over the weekend...

Photo : Small Lions...hanging in the air...a symbol of good fortune, yet kids are afraid of them..

Friday, January 26, 2007

What's Good or Bad?

The news came. Finally.

It's not bad. Better than previous.

But alot of people(including me) felt disappointed. The main reason is that a certain perception and expectation had already been set into our brain. So, when we receive something that is short of that expectation, it became lousy and bad news.

I would prefer to think from another perspective. It could have been much more worst. So in comparison, what was announced was actually not bad.

Then again, It could have been better. The reason is, we deserved more. Totally. Especially based on the end result. We deserve much more.

It is always better off without any expectation from the beginning for all things in life. So you will not walked away disappointed.

It is so true that in this world, the rich will become richer, the poor will be come poorer.

Photo : These name tags have people's name written all over it. It's for good luck, i think.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Da VinJack Code

I always have a problem with password log in.

My problem is not remembering the password. Even ones taht i created myself. So i make ALL my passwords the same one. Believe it or not, I can still forget it!!!

I was trying to log into this website that will allow me to go for a 2 weeks paid holiday camp every year. It should end in another 3 years time. Thank god! (why you sound so terrified going for a paid holiday camp?! you must be asking... well, trust me, you would not want to go for THIS holiday camp!)

Anyway, as usual, I forget my login password. So I happily clicked the "Secret Question" tab that will prompt me of my password. The question is...

"Husband and wife lucky number"

Confidently, I typed in the sure winner number.

And the page refreshed itself, than shows "answer incorrect".

I tried another 20-30 more possible combinations. And still did not get it.

I gave up. Called the hotline and was made to go thru "press 1 for blah blah blah, press 2 for more blah blah blah..." And have to try recalling what does 1 stands for when the recorded voice reaches 8... arghhed!!

I hate login passwords.

Photos : Horses flying to the sky!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Joy Juice


I am not sure how many of you can remember the above drink.

Soft drink, Product of Singapore. Kickapoo, Joy Juice.

It was a novelty during my childhood days. Having a bottle(no cans then, all bottles)of kickapoo is heavan sent! Green bottle, now green cans.

Recently, I picked up a can of Kickapoo from the cold shelf of 7-11. Written on the familiar green can is the name "Kickapoo" and the bunch of cute cartoon human design. It also says, "Low calorie and no sugar!" Wow! Even Kickapoo moved ahead with time, getting involved in healthy, sugarless things.

Sadly, it tasted odd. Very odd. The lack of sugar totally kills off how kickapoo would taste like... I am disappointed.

Again, somethings are better left unchange. Better off be the old and original Kickapoo.

Photos : A policman asked me suspiciously why am I taking photos of these bicycles. I told him simply "cos it's nice!" I showed him what I had taken and set his mind at ease, he commented "The bicycles looked nice after you interpret it in your artistic way." Wow! POliceman are so smooth with their words these days...can be a Sales person...

Monday, January 22, 2007

I wan this, that, dun wan this, that..

Food & beverage biz is a sure make industry in Singapore.

If you dun make any stupid mistake, you will earn big selling food. But, I notice something about consumers of Singapore.

Buying a simple bowl of minced meat noodle, they will have alot of requests. For example : "Uncle, minced meat noodle, less noodle, more meat, less oil, more chilli, more vegetable, more soup, dun wan mushroom, add ketchup."

The above scenerio happens every other minute in Singapore. It's really irritating. But, most of the food store owners here cater to all these requests. To make biz. I will be going crazy if i own a F&B store and people starts doing that.

That can happen even when buying Coffee. "Uncle, coffee, less sugar. more milk". Or "Uncle, Coffee, more sugar, a little bit of milk." Or "uncle, Coffee, no milk, a little sugar, but just a little". Fuck you la! Coffee. Period.


I am really ashame to say, Singaporeans have nothing but bad habits.

Photo : Old and new side of the gate. Contrasting difference!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Fear or Dear?

Met an old mate for lunch.

The topic of concern revolves around marriage...haha!! Always a fear among us, men. You see, we men stand to loose alot in a marriage. (Ya Ya Ya, i know, women always think that they are the biggest loser in a marriage, give their life for a man la, committed to a man la, emotionally surrender to the man la, the whole heart is out to the man la, trust nobody but the man la blah blah blah..). Please, you think we are not human izzit?

We men stand to loose our freedom, our temper, our salary, our women, our mood, our appetite, our endurance and many may more after the marriage. The only thing we stand to increase is our alcohol intake level... we need to get drunk by ensuring ourselves that our wife is the best.. hahahahaha! (i am hearing alot of cursing and swearing from any non-penise human race that is reading this now...)

Well! I should say, marriage is eternal and takes both party to make it work and happen.

Hey mate! Just do it.

Make or break, it's part of life. You will enjoy it.

The only differences is that you cannot have girlfiends anymore after marriage.They will all be promoted to be "mistresses". Yes, a whole new game arena! :)

Enjoy the trip!!

Photo : Chairs ready for all my "mistresses"...hahahahahaha!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I Want, I Must, I Will!!!

It seems like we cannot stop having objects of desire.

We promised ourselves that we will not make any big purchases after buying that expensive xxx. At that point, it dun seem like you have anymore thing you want after this xxx purchase. So you are dying to have xxx.

Than, 1 month after owning xxx, you have a new object that you must have. You simply cannot live without that. You wanna make another big purchase.

Haha! See! Even men have a desire of buying things. The difference between men & women is, we dun shop all over the mall and move from malls to malls. We know what we want(usually very expensive) and we hit the boutique, we purchase it and retreat home. End of shopping.

Once I have my mind set on something, I will have to own it...sooner or later... haha!! bad bad bad...

Photo : Virus in the air??

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Jedi & Sith Lord of Gaming

Electronic Games.

World of Warcraft, online gaming at it's best. It's a huge thing for the PC Gaming World.

World of Warcraft launched it's expansion pack yesterday in Singapore. Huge Huge reception from the gamers here. It was such a long queue that it fillled up the entire shoping mall(SUNTEC SHOPPING MALLwhere the lauch is happening) and have over 1500 people in line. The first person in line apparently started queuing up from 10pm the previous night. Singapore is catching up with gaming and look like it's steering towards countries like Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and USA. Still a small market here(small country, small population) but it is indeed creating more awareness and interest now. With Wii and PS3 due this quarter, it will surely help too.

The positive thing about this kinda online gaming is that you get to play with fellow "humans" all over the world.(finally, there is something everyone from all the different parts of the world can agreed on). You make friends, enemies and even live time partners from such online community.

Then, this morning, as I was flipping thru the local newspaper, Straits Times, with the largest circulation in Singapore, the front page of the Home section reads :

Warning signs of addiction are varied, but not difficult to spot.
By Tan Hui Yee & Chua Hian Hou

The half page article talks about the negative aspect of gaming, at the stage of addiction. About how an increasing number of people are being admitted into mental institutes due to gaming addiction here in Singapore. It also mentioned that the addiction and signs are bad enough that a new centre was opened in August last year to help young people to deal with it.

Loss of friends, school grades going down, temper worsened, extrovert becoming an introvert to the extreme. The article is so helpful that they have at the side bar, helpline numbers for those that need it. The article was accompanied by the photo of the Warcraft launch yesterday.

The whole article speaks about the negative aspect of gaming.

Nothing positive.

It is a totally unfair and misleading report.

Young children should received guidance from the parents on what's right and what's not. Too much of anything is never good. It is largely the responsibility of parents to ensure that gaming hobby of their child should not become an obession untill a change of behavior. Proper restriction and guidance will make all the difference. It is not only the responsibility of the society.

Of course it is a concern worldwide on the impact of violent gaming. Teen murders, suicides, etc etc. But, from a daily newspaper with a huge circulation, the report should be more objective, if not encouraging.

It could have mentioned about the huge turnout at the launch, how widely anticipated this event is, how the online community is looking forward to reaching out to each other to have some fantasy fun over a common platform, the internet. How when friends(old and new) meet up for coffee and talk about the games and all the fun stuffs in it. How you learned to say "thank you" in German when playing with someone from halfway across the globe. How the increase in this gaming arena that it's creating more IT job opportunities in Singapore, how the country is keeping up with the world in terms of entertainment. How, gone are the days of "5 stones" and "zero point", and welcome with open arms the technology of the future, the games our new generation will be playing and adapt to the changes.

Then it could have gone on to mentioned also the negative aspect of gaming. How parents can help and be involved with their children's activity and gaming. Understanding them and setting the right curfews. How interval rests can help the children's eyes and concentration etc. It could have list out preventive measures and the steps to do it.

By presenting a more objective report and set the public with the accurate mindset is more appropriate than a article that is trying to yell :"Gaming is bad. Stop it." This is a perfect example that showcases why Singaporeans are all so negative in thoughts and still very traditional and extremely difficult to accept new changes and challenges.

Moving ahead with time? A developed Nation? A global city? World Wide recognition? Please. Start from your own un-biased view first, before bringing the wrong message/perception across to the public.

Me? I am currently enjoying the company of 9 beauties with impossible vital statics, playing beach volleyball with them, changing their bikinis, and watching their huge assets bounce all over their chest. UsagiKiller is as looking forward to each session as I do every night. Oh, maybe I will have to visit the Mental Institute too, cos I like big breast? Should I call the helpline and say, "Help me, I am addicted to big breast gals playing beach volleyball on my TV screen…"

(I think this is why I have slowly stopped reading most of the news in the local newspaper for the past years, besides the Business, Sports and Jobs section. Cos of one sided biased articles like this. Don't even get me started on the local TV programmes, the dramas, variety shows etc…)

Photo : Buying vegetables early in the morning...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Mr Clock

Mr Clock(wall clock) in the office had stopped for 2 days.

I turned my head to the left everytime(looking past Polly Pocket and Miffy) and see it's hands at 6am/pm everyday.

It's funny.

When Mr Clock was moved from his old location to the new one, I could not adjust to it. Cos I kept looking for him at the wrong direction(in the past was to my right). Now, I am used to his new location. but he fell sicked and stopped.

For something that we take for granted everyday, every hour and minute, we relied on it so much. Once it stop or moved location, it makes you feel so disorganised and disoriented. You just relied on it everyday without even noticing it.

And the weird thing is, everyone needs Mr Clock, yet no one(includes me) bother to change the battery! Not lazy. It's just we have so many other things to do and din really bother too much about Mr Clock. However, when we looked at him, we know he is not feeling well and had stopped for awhile.

Let's hope Mr Clock gets well soon.(And I think Miffy will most probably be the nurse to cure him...haha!)

Hmm. Funny little things in life.

Photo : Selling in the cold. It is really very cold that day...

Monday, January 15, 2007


Once upon a fucking time…

The World consist of 4 Kingdoms…Now, this ass story is about 2 of the 4 Kingdoms.

Kingdom of HiAide & Kingdom of Horse-Kool-Pearl.

There was this fucker from The Kingdom of HiAide that decides to switch side and join The Kingdom of Horse-Kool-Pearl. The fucker joined as Deputy, who will be incharge of the soldiers that go out for war, with Castle Mee-Lae-Nia. Castle Mee-Lae-Nia is one of the many castle that is under the rule of Kingdom of Horse-Kool-Pearl.

The King Drug-Lord of Castle Mee-Lae-Nia love the fucker to death. Supports all decisions that the fucker made and always speaks positively of the fucker. King Drug-Lord have total trust in the fucker, thinking that his castle will grow and florish in power with the fucker's contribution. Every single one of the Castle hates the fucker. With the exception of the King himself and some cock suckers, that love the taste of the discharge from the fucker's small dick.

Well, a fucker is always a fucker. The fucker srcrewed up big time(which cause Castle Mee-Lae-Nia to suffer heavy loss in war) and the Emperor of Kingdom of Horse-Kool-Pearl have to make a journey, that took him 7 days and night to reach Castle Mee-Lae-Nia, to whip the fucker. Oh boy, did the fucker get a good whipping! Pain were the fucker's ass and heart. But, being a fucker, and with a King( King Drug-Lord) that adores that fucker. Fucker manage to hang on, and create more shit. Lotsa shit. The diarrhoea kinda shit.

One fine day, King Drug-Lord decides to retire and stay in the country side to farm some "Mo Mo". With King Drug-Lord gone, fucker was terrified. Fucker think for 5 days and 5 nights. Finally, the fucker, with not much smart brain cells in the head, decides it's time to leave. There's nobody to protect the fucker! The Emperor and the new King of Castle Mee-Lae-Nia will rip apart the fucker piece by piece.

The fucker packed up, leaved and joined another Kingdom(The one that have more pregnant animals jumping all over their land than there are humans). Most of the human in this Kingdom have chains around their ankle anyway.

Wait! The story did not end here!

The fucker met the fuckress and love each other dearly and live happily every fuckerer...

There! I bitch my part.

Photo : So happy working together! Why can't everyone be like that? Huh? Sigh!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Sex Toys For All Ages

Walk into any department store and you will see one bloody full shelf(sometimes 3-5 shelves) full of Barbie Dolls.

Yes, those small little sey toy looking thing with absolutely no pubic hair and a hint of nipple at the breasts Barbie Dolls.

There are so so many ranges of Barbie Dolls available! They have different ones/ranges for different age group to play with! How on earth can they come out with so many variations?? Collectors will be swimming a a sea of Barbie Fantasy(read : wet dream. You sicko!) and parents will be having a huge headache.

Not to forget those accessories! But seriously, it started from a little innocent plaything to such a huge money spinning empire, those plastic sex slaves! There is a particular range that have the Barbies dressed in national custumes of different countries. Those are beautiful. The colours of the custumes are very nice and interesting. But some of "National Custume" Barbies are not very accurate. Particularly in the matters of "human body size" versus "Barbie Body size". I am very sure, for a particular country, the size of the women there are totally OFF(HUGE HORIZONTAL WAY) compare to all the other countries, but in the Barbie World, everyone is happy and slim! Oh please! For people who know me well, you will know what I mean.

Oh, not forgetting Ken. Barbie's other half. The sex slave of all Barbies! The one and only "male" that get to have sex with all the Barbies..untill some New Male spawn version was introduced some time back. But Ken, Oh Ken. The first and only Ken. By the way, Ken have not penise. Go figure.

Well, If i have my way of designing Barbies...(I think it will be placed on the upper shelves of all department stores where children cannot reach...). Hey, boys and gals! Dun cry, I will have a mini-skirt range where when you lift your head up(when they are placed on the top most shelf), you will see Barbie in her Victoria Secret Style G-String! Enjoy!

Next? Care Bears... and that little bitch call Strawberry Shortcake...

Photo : I do not know if he is homeless or waiting for someone. But he looked really freezing cold at 730am in the morning. He could certainly do with a Barbie Doll to spice things up.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What Colour??

Ok. I have been changing the colours/layout of my blog!

Twice within the week! I know! Indecisive!

Initially settled for the green one...but UsagiKiller reminded me of the colour resemblence...! So I changed it again to another. Was thinking of using red..but it seems like pink and look totally gay. So ended up picking the idiot-proof black with coloured polka-dots at the background...

It's all UsagiKiller's fault!! Have to remind me about the green!

Well, let's hope the black background can bring out the photos that I post every blog entry. I am putting up a B&W photo today. Personally, I like this photo alot. Look at his innocent yet curious eys. Totally totally grogeous.

By the way, Steve Jobs have finally annouced the iPhone during MacWorld yesterday in San Francisco. Hooray!!!! But it do not ship untill June this year, possibly later for Singapore... :( Still let's enjoy the wait and look to the future!!

Photo : He was looking at me with those eyes as he walked past. I was lucky to able to get hold of his "look" before he turn away. I love this photo.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Currently watching this Japanese serial(Japanese stuffs again?! yes I know, I am pretty up to date with the Japan entertainment scene, serial, movie, books, porn, food etc etc. Ask me, and i will know! haha! Especially porn!)

Anyway, the show's name is 結婚できない男 (basically it says : A Man that can't seem to get married). The actor is a very popular charmer call 阿部 寬(HIROSHI ABE). he is so charming and manly in most of the shows that he acted in. For this particular show, it portrays him as a single guy, who have absolutely Zero skills dealing with human and relationship. He is such a loner(and he love it that way), he lives alone and have very few friends. Whenevr he talks, he will offend the person(especially women). The way he bring his message across is totally WRONG.

He goes to the same grocery shop everyday, visit the same DVD rental shop everyday, eats the same thing everyday, walk the same path everyday, listen to the same type of music everyday, love cleanliness and everthing must be placed in tidy and orderly manner(from pens, rulers to clothes), must sit a a big table(for 6 person) alone when dine out at the same restaurant and many more weird habits!

The show have him met 3 gals of different age and how he deals with them and vice versus. It's really funny yet can relate to the current society of being/choose to be alone and not get married. It's a scary sign that almost everyone would choose to be single when given a choice. Well, there's pro and cons.

Being single, you do whatever, whenever you want. No restriction. But when you are with someone, you experience love and commitment and a whole new arena of dealing with different relations.

Again, we only live once. Do and experience as much as we can. Once you past it, that's it.

Enjoy life to the max!! Be it single or couple! (and dun get me in trouble by asking me if I prefer to be single or married!)

Photo : Colours emitted from the natural beauty of the sun!

Monday, January 08, 2007

The World According To A Donut

I love Donuts.

Totally, absolutely, ultimately, amazingly LOVE THEM.

Temptation always surpassed whatever resistance I try to have against those little round sinful fellows.

Whenever i visit a bakery, I will look for whatever Donuts they offer and will definitely sneak in a few of them. It's worst when I visit a Donut specialty shop. Usually end up with at least 4 of them(just for my own consumption)...

Look at all the varieties, colours and tastes that are available these days!

Arghhed!!! I love those colourful ones, with alot of "rainbow" sprinkle all over it..yummy!!!! The best donut is still the "normal" donut. All time best. (Imagine my in-human behavior when I saw Mr. Donut in Tokyo... I felt like a rapist looking at all the Donuts they offered...)

A new Donut shop have opened at Raffles City Basement. Called Donut Factory. It's a novelty among Singaporeans now, long long long long long queue for any purchases. Check it out!(The last time I was there, the line stretches to about 80 people..good luck!)

Donut also teachs us about life and the world. Yes, they do. Look at things(life, world etc) from outside of the Donut. Don't look from the inner ring of the donut! The world is so so small if you look from the round hole between the donut. Your world will open up once you see from the outside!

Appreciate the Donut and it's beauty next time when you have one. (Oh! Dun forget the tea or coffee that always compliments it!)

Photo : I love the colourful one! The one with all the "Rainbow" over it! Yummy!!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

What?! Already!

What a way to start the New Year.

With a sad annoucement.

The annoucement came fast and caught all of us by surprise. Totally unexpected by all.

Everyone was shock. Well, almost everyone...

It's sad news. Really really sad.

We are all gonna miss you terribly, and hope that the future will be a good one for you. It's been a great pleasure for the past 1000 over days serving alongside such a fine gentleman.

Thank you for all that you have done, may success & health be with you.

Photo : Weird, Scary, "Thing" I saw at the Bund in Shanghai... very very eerie...