Wednesday, May 31, 2006


It's amazing how some people can talk and behave in a manner that hardly justify their status, education, family background, corporation they represent etc.

You may be very well educated, earning big bucks and all, but ultimately, the way you carry yourself, your approach to people around you and how genuine you treat others, makes you the person that you are.

I came across someone of real terrible personality and behavior. Was kind of disappointed when I experienced it. Any respect or positive thoughts that I ever have for this person literally perished in that 3 minutes. Especially when you consider the corporation this person represents...

Photo : Contrast of our mordern & traditional buildings

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

What a joke...

PC show will be happening in 2 days time in SUNTEC CITY. Every year during the show, companies present to the potential buyers tons and tons of special packages and attractive priced products which many of us will find it hard to resist!

This reminds me of a recent lawsuit between Creative and Apple. To make things easy, Creative sues Apple for their rights on iPods and wants them to stop selling it(patent rights). Basically, what Creative is trying to say is that Apple copied Creative's idea of iPod(it's the opposite altogether!).. Now Apple fired right back with a counter lawsuit. (The world knows that Sony introduced the MP3 players and Apple came late with the iPods, and were a laughing joke from a lot of industry experts saying that Apple is selling a "mirror"-{back of the iPod} for such an expensive price, where a cheaper version from any competitors could provide the same functionality. All predicted that Apple made a drastically wrong move and it will hurt the company very badly. Look what happens now? Almost every one in the world owns or have purchased an iPod..)

Blaming someone for your bad business decisions, poor marketing, zero creative(vity), will not help.

This further ensures the status of my support for creative products : Never did and never ever will be.

Mr Sim, you are pathetic.

Photo : amen.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Spell Moon...

Just stepped out of a meeting in the morning. Suppose to be a breakfast meeting and it lasted from 930am to 12noon...!! Some breakfast!!

The worst thing is who was the one that is talking...he for one, is not a local...from some nation that i cannot say, if not i will be labeled as a bloody racist...(which i like to think i am not!) After the meeting, i had such a bad headache that i need panadols and cigis...and thru the whole meeting, i had numerous cups of coffee...It's a miracle that someone's accent and manner of speaking can bring this upon the people who are listening...

Let's see, he is confused(very), loves to make extremely confusing remarks and requirements, very fast in the way he talk and worst of all..his pronunciation!!! My gosh!!!! He would spell the word "moon" in the following manner.."Yen(which meant M), Oorh(which meant O), Yet anoootherrr O(which meant "another O") fooolloooww by a Yam(which meant N)..."

...I am feeling very suicidal now....

Photo : Shaolin Temple...

Friday, May 26, 2006


When was the last time you praise someone? 3 years ago?
When was the last time you complain and bitch about some one? Right now?

Well, the point is, we complain more than we praise. Whcih means, we are more negative than we are positive, which also means that we get jealous easily, which in turn means that we are the best ourselves and the rest of the people around you are gonners.

"Well, who can be better than me? I am always correct and everyone else is wrong!" this is always what we will sad...

The world will be such a friendly place should everyone are positive and nice...

Come one, make a point, praise or compliment 3 person each day, it will make you a much happier person than bitching away about someone or something.

By The way : RedHotChiliPeppers released a new double album Stadium Arcadium. Great stuffs in there. All new tracks with all the different style from their very first album to the latest. Check it out. Highly recommended!!!

Photo : More Long Gao

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Money Money Money

Money makes the world. Money Rules the world.

The rich will always get richer and the poor will always get poorer. It's a sad thing seeing how some filthy rich people spend their money. Millions for a falshy car, more houses than they need, thousands of dollars for a watch, more food than they can finish the lost goes on and on and on. It's disgusting how the rich live and behave.

Surely the amount of money they spend for a watch or a car can feed alot alot of homeless, starving people and people who require medical attention. Some many people need money just to live the day, but there are so many people who have more and more money by the day, and use it in disgusting ways.

If i am filthy rich one day, i will buy many houses, many cars and chauffeur(you don't drive when you are rich, your are being driven!), brush my teeth every morning with Moet & Chandon, bath in milk, buy Rolexs for every beautiful gal that i know, wear gold plated underwears(yes, gold plated) etc etc...

No wait! I should be doing charity!! Then again, why the fuck should i? I am filthy rich, i am alive and happy, i don't care about anyone else. People can starve and die for all i care! You can hate me for all i care! The point is, I AM RICH and behave like the Rich!hahaha!

Think i am better off being poor and loved...

Photo : Long Gao

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Only Time will Tell

Recently, everybody seems to expect things to happen immediately and right at the spot. Can be as easy as calling a cab and expect a cab to be here immediately or as stressful as submitting a full report(new) within 1 hour. We want things to be done and achieved in a certain time frame. Long term and short term. But we must always set realistic time frame and targets. If you already do have a plan in place for a certain time line, and then suddenly you decide to have another objective completed within the same time frame or even faster..the result is..?

Nothing is accompolish. It will be worst than not doing at all. Come on! Be realistic and reasonable!

Have respect for your own time management and other individuals as well.

Photo : Arse of a big fat bird.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

It's Black, It's White

Never really had the confidence to shoot Black & White Photos. Think they are one of the toughest to master(not that i had mastered anything before). Life is often mentioned as black and white, yet everyone wants a colourful life. Think that our life can be colourful if we want it to be. Be with the people you love, do things you like, eat when you feel like it, drink when ever you want, so much things to do! Life is short!!!! Don't be just black or white. Be alive!

Well, for the next few days entries, I shall post some B&W shots up for verbal and written abuse/criticism. Go ahead, take out your poison and leave some horrible comments.

Photo : Me, Me It's always about Me. The world revolves around Me and everyone should love Me. Just Me Me and more Me!

Monday, May 22, 2006

A Mile to the First, An Inch to the Second

Had my first one about 5 years ago. Not exactly small for a first one. love it till this day tho, never did regret my choice and decision. It did altered my luck a little after it became part of me, for the better that is.

Been itching to have another one. As they say, it takes a mile for you to decide on your first one, after you will only need a inch to decide on the second one. Cannot really decide where it should go now, but how it should look like have more or less been decided... Hope i can have it by end of 2006 as a welcome gift for myself in 2007.

Afterall, 7 is my lucky the more i should welcome 2007 with a new art of joy.

Photo : More flowers, no, it's not THAT kinda flower.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Watched the DaVinCiCode.

Great ideals and theories from Dan Brown. Especially on the explanation and history behind the artworks that was featured. Unfortunately, the movie had time to only show and explain a little of that. Kinda violence tho...

Stressed alot on individual believe and religion. Alot of staunch Christian will be offended by the ideals and story. But still, you guys get away with alot of things...

Do yourself a favor, grab the hardcover illustrated book and enjoy the tour thru history and art. It's a page turner.

Oh, by the way, its great to be a Bhuddist. hahaha!!!

Photo : Throw in a penny and say your wish!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Captain Sore Looser

Great Win for Barcelona.

What a boring final tho.. No excitment, no drive...yawnn..

Thierry Henry, the most beloved child, the great one, captain of Arsenal let the team down when they needed him the most. He did not drive the team and lift them up thru the match, he sunk with them. I am a Reds, but not to be bias, see how Gerrard had lifted the men from Anfield in Istanbul last year and Cardiff just 5 days ago. Both times goals down, to win the silver ware! Well, what can we expect, Henry is not in the mold of Keane, Viera, Cantona, Gerrard. Far from it. Great scorer/finisher, zero in leadership.

Chelsea, Man U and Liverpool might have provide a challenge and make the final more interesting.

Yawnn..boring final.. Yawn...

Photo : Our colourful Carpark!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Pes Status

Dislocated my right shoulder for the very first time about 7 months ago. The reoccurance happened 3 months ago.

It's really shitty and what a demiralising thing it is.

Was a Pes A status. Just received a letter from the military informing that my Pes status is now Pes C1 L1. Think any Singapore men will jump with joy and pop champagne if they received this status.

No doubt it's great news that fom now on, i can only do limited things in the military. But felt really depressed too. It's just so girlish and useless to be a Pes C... gonna missed out all the action and fun...


Photo : A view from my nest. Notice the shape of the cloud resembles Singapore's shape on the map.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Manners and Attitude

People just pushed themselves into the train even before you could alight. They even stand there and look at you with that kinda accusing eyes that you should give way to be broading and not the other way around. What Manners!

People stand in the middle of the road, playing with their precious 4 years old child and oblivious to the whole world, in turn hogging the human traffic behind. You say excuse me and they look at you with accsing eyes that you are so rude. What Manners!

People stroll along the busy one-way street talking into their mobile and not knowing that there are lotsa people behind them rushing for time. You say excuse me so loud as you worry they can't hear since they are killing themself with mild radiation while on the phone. They turned and glare at you that you are so rude, speaking so loud in public. What Manners!

People all jammed themselves on both the right and left side of the escalator and stopped anyone who is hoping to climb up on the right side. Standing on the left, moving on the right, remember? Well, you cannot raised your voice to say excuse me this time, too many people on the escalator! What Manners!

Are Singaporeans really so inconsiderate and full of themselves? Just the above 4 examples are enough to justify alot of things... or izzit that i am the only one that is at fault since i spoke so loudly "excuse me" on all four examples...

Developed? no doubt. Strong economy? Absolutely. Cultured? Far from it.(felt so ashame to be a Singaporean sometimes)

Everyone is right but me?


Photo : Water Lily with droplets...some things never change since childhood...

Friday, May 12, 2006

Times Past

The photos that goes with every entry here does not relate to anything I wrote for the day. The photos have their own story and meaning. It was never explained and sometimes, it's tough to.

I will try to give a brief run thru of all the photos that I have taken and posted here, how I felt, why and where I have taken them(mostly Singapore). Bare with me.

Here goes.

Air : The view of our City's skyscraper thru cables and wires./Singapore

Music R' Us : Vertical look of skyscraper with a person's happiness./Singapore

Past Present Future : Old building with a colourful past to remind us of who we are./Singapore

Something for you : Beautiful flowers that simply brightens ones mood and heart!/Tokyo

From Version 2.9 to 3.0 : graffiti Art on our Windows. The colours!!/Singapore

Nostalgic : Series of graffiti Art on Windows./Singapore

Clone the Future : Electrical Tower with the sunset as a backdrop, a lonely feeling./Singapore

Day of Birth : Running Track. Ready, Set, GO!!!/Singapore

Mess mEss meSs messS : Reflection thru glass on a wall. Amazing patterns./Singapore

Urban Mice in Maze : Symbol of what we are, concrete Jungle./Singapore

Service U & Me : The biggest durian in the world./Singapore

Life Goes On : 3 flowers together, at different positions presents a different feeling./Singapore

Mr & Mrs Tomato : The Heart and Soul of our City Life, Cigis!!/Singapore

Depression, Please Stand Up : Nature's reflection on our modern creation./Singapore

Big Bad Wolf had Sex with Snow White : Supporting pillars/structure of a building. The kindda support we need./Singapore

Radio Ga Ga : A old walkway among our busy streets. The red colour shows the contrast./Singapore

Me? : City View at night. Vibrant and lively/Singapore

Brainless Suicide : The best hotel in Singapore./Singapore

Root : Nature blooming at it's best./Singapore

A Cup of Happiness : View from underneath a tentage./Singapore

Always There : Prayers flowers to keep us safe and healthy./Singapore

Life Rushes By : Green beautiful water lily floating on a dull and boring pond. Where are the frogs??/Singapore

Prefrontal Cortex : Soon, it will be a beautiful and vibrant flower!!/Singapore

It's My Life : Tropical Resort in the middle of a busy city?/Singapore

Support : Binding rope. the kind of tight,assured and strong support we need./Singapore

For those who care : 2 clouds on top of 2 the 2 tallest building...why?/Singapore

Yellow Top : Felt filled with love and warmth everytime i see this flower./Singapore

Day 5 : The beauty of shopping!!/Singapore

Convinced : One people, One nation. The flag standing high!/Singapore

Times Past : A busy city view during office rush hour./Singapore

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Being trying to convince a friend to buy a camera.(seems like i have been trying alot of people to buy things recently)

When you start selling something to someone who have a mild interest or are merely curious, you find the excitement and thrill to do it! The satisfaction you get when you managed to convince that person to buy it. The best is when the buyer is totally convinced(not in the past) of what he/she purchased! It's a great feeling!!!

Hahahaha! Cheap thrills in life..?

Hey! Go invest in one!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Day 5

Day 5 is nearing it's finale in USA.

We are stuck with Day 4 DVD here... Day 5 DVD should be out by Dec 2006.

Just found out that iTunes finally offers download for Day 5, US$1.99 per hour of the day. Its FABULOUS NEWS!!! Of course, i purchased 7am - 8am. The first hour of Day 5, in Jack's life.

This first hour will serve as a teaser and preview for us in Singapore. The way to watch this series is to drop everything you are doing and finish all 24hours at one go. Each hour is an actual hour in real life, run thru 24 hours with Jack! Argh! The desperation!

Jack is back. The clock is still ticking.


Monday, May 08, 2006

Yellow Top

Have been experiencing real difficulty getting cabs these days.

The cab queue is really long and ridiculous throughout the whole day. Try booking a cab and the machine voice asked you to hold for 3 minutes before any operator is able to speak to you. Then, you are asked to hold for your taxi number. You end up waiting for 30 minutes, and still no cabs.

Gave up. Took a bus instead. This bus is usually packed throughout the day. But it's empty this time. Less than 10 person. Everybody's choice of transportation is Taxi these days. How rich everyone had became. Or is it just me that is still penniless??

I will stick to my buses then. Thank you.

The English football season had ended last night. June, we welcome World Cup. August the new English season starts. Non-stop footballing action. Prepare your coffee beans and red bull. For you gamblers, remember your loved ones. For You, who watch the game with passion, ENJOY.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

For those who care

Rest now.

In your sleep

Peacefully you went.

You left.

Your suffering and pain ends, left behind for those who feels it.

Those who truly loves and cares for you.

Those who puts a mask of love in front of them, feels nothing.

You gave all you can to those who do not value you.

You were tricked by their false mask.

Those who care for you went neglected, unnoticed.

Those whom you do not care are those that loves you most.

You will go to heaven.

You will see the truth in heaven.

1921 ~ 2006

Thursday, May 04, 2006


We put in our effort and energy to do the best in what we do, who we love and cherish.

When change comes along our daily life, we never give up and put in our heart and soul to ensure we survive and succeed. Can we do this alone? Do we need support?

It's disheartening that sometimes, we spend so much time in something, to try and do our very best, we neglect some other stuffs. We never get around to make others understand what we are doing, and in time, it builds up to be a misunderstanding and wrong perception.

We can't joke anymore, we get short tempered, we wants things fast, we don't have time etc etc. We expect others to understand, but how wrong we are.

Perceived as arrogant, overconfident, not caring, snobbish, changed person(not the one they used to know). It's disheartening.

Those that we expect to be behind us, push us forward, support us when we are about to collapse, encourage us along the way, thinks that we are beyond hope and that we are such a changed person now and gave us challenges instead of the support and encouragement that we need.

How and where should we proceed from here? Who else are we left with for support and to depend on? Who do we have to go thru rough roads and towards our dreams with us? Alone? I have no answers.

Maybe you have.

"...We lost our dreams along the way.." - X-Japan

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

It's My Life

Was trying to convince a long time friend today to buy a Apple iMac. Were blabbling about how good iMac is with the fantastic iLife program.

Then he said he hardly have time for his PC now let alone investing in a iMac. So there i was explaining to him about iLife which is a short form for internet life. Then we started to come out with more "Lifes"....

He have all his time for his kids, which makes him kLife now... and from there it moves on to nLife(no life), pLife(pathetic life), and on and on and on...

Are we having only wLife(work life) or real qLife(quality life)? What kinda life do you have? Go on, create some "?Life" for yourself!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Prefrontal Cortex

The 2 hemispheres of the human brain are divided into 4 parts -
Frontal Lobe, Parietal Lobe, Temporal Lobe & Occipital Lobe.

The pefrontal region, which makes up the large part of the frontal lobe, is the foundation of creativity, memory, communications and self-control.

It's role could be describe as the "brain within the brain".

It's the "control tower" of your brain. It determines how you use stored knowledge in pratical situations. This means that your pratical intelligence or ability to apply stored knowledge to your everyday reality, depends upon how well your prefrontal cortex functions.

Dr. Ryuta Kawashima of Tohoku University developed a game call Brain Age with Japanese game developer Nintendo. This games trains your brains everyday, for a few minutes. It consists of hundreds or mathematical puzzles, counting, reading out loud exercises and also Sudoku. At the end of everyday's training, it measures the age of your brain. The best age for the brain, irregardless of your actual age, is 20.

My Brain Age for yesterday was 54. Today, it came down to 53.

Sad. I am hardly at that age physically!!

I have to do this brain age training's depressing.