Monday, June 18, 2007

Willpower and Endurance

I have been doing battle with Willpower and Endurance level for the past 2 weeks.

2 months back, I bought a new pair of leather shoes and it took me 7 working days to tame it. The back of the shoe caused abrasion which result in serious pain when walking. Endured thru the pain and agony…by the 7th day…the shoes gave in and it fits comfortably now.

3 weeks back, I bought another pair of leather shoes. This time, it took me 10 working days to tame it. It is feeling comfortably now. Not perfect, cos my legs are recovering, but good enough.

I dunno if it's just me or happen to a lot of men out there.

The only kinda shooes that will not make me "work" for it are sports shoes.

Photo : Remastered works of AC/DC on CDs. For those about to rock! We salute you!


Keevy - 小明® said...

I know what's wrong...must be that weird toe of yours...LOL

JackRedShoes said...


Actually, the feet with the weird toe is fine.

The other one suffers more...
