Friday, February 02, 2007

24hrs Not Enuff

Time is running too fast.

Insufficient time to use per day.

I never thought this would happen to me. But it is happening now.."24hrs a day is not enuff" There!

There are just so much thing that needs to be done, yet, there are so little time to do it... As we grow older..time goes by at a faster rate as well... we are already in Feb!! Wah!! lat thing I remember, we were looking forward to X'mas 2006...and now..Chinese Luna New Year is just weeks away!!!

Please...time is moving past us too fast... Need to speed up too... I am losing more than I am gaining each day...must maximize the time...

This weekend...Merseyside Derby, Hyrule..enuff to occupy my time...

I watched a 30 mins preview of the latest Karmen Rider Movie from Japan last night. Titled Karmen Rider : The First. Absolutely stunning work. It is very stylishly done and filmed. Very cool. If you have a passion for Karmen Rider, go grab it. I had a full set of the old Karmen Rider movies in DVD and have no time to finish it yet...

Time..gimme me more time...

Photo : The 12 animals that made up the Chinese believe. I am a Dragon. A Fire Dragon. Born sharp at the hottest hour of the day, 12noon.


Keevy - 小明® said...

Exactly...i have been having the same thought lately too...Can't imagine a month of the New Year is gone just like that...

Karmen Rider movie???????? That sounds exciting but will it disappoint me and feels different from what i experienced during childhood times?

JackRedShoes said...

It will not disappoint. It have the stylish take and class of the older movies. It will bring back good memories and with added flair of the morden era.

This franchise is too precious for the Japanese to screw it up. So dun worry. Go check it out. Personally, I love it.

Karmen! Karmen! Karmen!