Monday, February 19, 2007

Amethyst Cheese Pineapple Tarts

Every year, during the Lunat New Year period..

UsagiKiller and myself would always go to Takashimaya and purchase a particular kind of Pineapple Tarts.

The Cheese, Pineapple Tarts from Amethyst. Their biz is always so good every Lunar New Year...long queues and long lists of orders...We would usually buy a few and consume them at a furious rate..hahaha!! Yes, it's that nice. The little bite size of pineapple tarts, with the outer layer coated with cheese...wah lan... simply cannot resist... We placed an order for 5 boxes this year..2 for our own raping and the others as give aways. A particular "mother-In-Law' loves this tarts as much as we do, she can finish it within one night after dinner...

I would say, this is our personal favorite Goodies over the Lunar New Year period.

Next, the Ba Kua.


Photo : THE Pineapple Tarts....**drooooooool**

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