Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven.

Everybody knows him.

Simply loves and adores his Symphony #7.

It starts off as a slow introduction, the first movement is in sonata form and is dominated by lively dance-like rhythms.

The second movement is "slow", although the tempo marking is Allegretto (translatable as "a little quickly") so it is only slow compared to the other three movements. This movement is very popular and my favorite!!

The third and last movement is a scherzo, trio and sonata form respectively.

I pratically listens to this everynight...thank goodness UsagiKiller enjoys it as well..wonder if the neighbours finds it too noisy at times... but it's beautiful. If only life is as beautiful as this...

Photo: Look at all the colours of the Chopsticks!!!

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