Friday, February 23, 2007

My Pet, My Sperm

You know my love for all things Japanese.

Here's a new creation that will be kinda gross yet interesting.(see photo below).

This little thing here..let's you..take care of your Sperm, yes Sperm, like how you would any pets. What you do is, eject your sperm onto it, it will keep and take care of your sperm like a pet. You can see it swim and work around. Just like a pet. And, you can even have 2 different sets of sperm fighting against each other, like how a pair of Fighting Fish would...

Not sure how many days it can hold your little soldiers..but it would be interesting... It is currently a very popular thing in Japan. Very very "in" thing now...

Yes, I would be very interested to hunt down one of these when I visit Tokyo again...


Photo : Flowers to brighter up our day...

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