Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Life Revolves Around Work?

I have been really busy of late and don't have time to write anything…

Got a little better today…but it will pick up again!

The only thing I am surrounded with now are work, work, work.(It sets me thinking…Work? Is it really all there is? Just work? Sigh. Life can be better. Let's put it this way, it's just work. The company don't need me. What they need are the things I am handling. Everyone is expandable. Even CEOs)

I am looking forward to Wimbledon, which already started…Also thinking of getting a massage…to relax and remain sane…

Gonna try and see if I can spare more time later this week…it's hell here...

Photo : I would love to have some of these now...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Colour Spaces

Recently read about a office move of a particular software developer in Japan. The report shows some of the office space and designs. Beautiful, colourful and lively.

I was fortunate enough to visit alot of different companies before(Locally or overseas). It's always a experience to see different companies' design, layout and colour themes.

The more interesting ones I have seen are from event companies, Art & Design firms. Microsoft's office looks amazing too!

The colours and surrounding of your little "Kingdom" will make you look forward to work everyday!

How I wish I have an opportunity to work in such a enviroment. Colours! Life! It's a little too serious and corporate here. Not that I am complaining, but I always loves colours and art..

Photo : Wan! Wan!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Willpower and Endurance

I have been doing battle with Willpower and Endurance level for the past 2 weeks.

2 months back, I bought a new pair of leather shoes and it took me 7 working days to tame it. The back of the shoe caused abrasion which result in serious pain when walking. Endured thru the pain and agony…by the 7th day…the shoes gave in and it fits comfortably now.

3 weeks back, I bought another pair of leather shoes. This time, it took me 10 working days to tame it. It is feeling comfortably now. Not perfect, cos my legs are recovering, but good enough.

I dunno if it's just me or happen to a lot of men out there.

The only kinda shooes that will not make me "work" for it are sports shoes.

Photo : Remastered works of AC/DC on CDs. For those about to rock! We salute you!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Couple of Irritants

There's this really irritating "couple" who are always waiting for the same bus with me every morning.

The lady looks like she's in her late 30s and the man is in his late 40s. It's pretty obvious that the man is trying so so hard to get close to her, courting her even. She seems to be enjoying the attention from him.

The man is always dressed in cargo pants, badly worn out construction worker boots, T-shirts of many different companies(looks like that kinda T-shirts given to companies employees during family day etc etc). The lady is dressed from head to toe with This-Fashion clothing. Very Jiu-Hu infact…

A little mismatch at first. But after looking at them for so long, they look like a match made in heaven.

It's obvious the lady loves attention and loves young men. I caught her admiring at a few young men at the bustop.

The man MUST sit with her when they board the bus. With a slight sighting of the bus, he would rushed to the edge of the curb, stand at the "prime" position and wait for the bus. He must be the first to board, and find 2 empty seats that can accommodate him and his lovely This-fashion girlfriend.

If they are separated with different seats in the bus, he will be all jumpy and agitated. When someone moves or alight, he would quickly move to the empty seats and asked his girlfriend over.

It's like a comedy every morning. And turns to irritation.

Photo : Mirror Mirror on the wall...

Friday, June 15, 2007

End of 20s

Happy Birthday, Miffy!

End of another 12 months cycle, moving forward to the next.

Youthful and joy will always be with you.

Gonna miss your lips when you moved behind me next week. And I am not an owl, I cannot turn my head all the way to see you pout your lips!

A big hug and lotsa love from Jack. Enjoy your special day!


Photo : Pull or push?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I cannot understand the thoughts and behavior of some people.

Their "narrow mind", "their petty heart".

For some people, they deem theselves as successful individuals or their partners as THE MOST successful person. They love to compare and compete among their own group of friends. When someone does "This"..they will have to do it too, and will have to be bigger and better!

Where's the logic? Why compare? For What? To Prove you are better?

If you are indeed better, you dun need to prove it, people will tell you.

Not only that, they gossip among themselves and backstab each other. Please remember, theses are all friends I am talking about. Imagine, a bunch of…say..7 friends, they are so called "Good", "Better" "Best" friends. They are so so friendly and "close" to each other, they laugh and joke.

BUT, Friend 1 will talk bad about Friend 2 to Friend 3. Then Friend 1 will talk bad about Friend 3 to Friend 4. Also, Friend 3 wil talk bad about Friend 2 to Friend 4. Friend 4 will bitch about Friend 1 to Friend 2…the cycle goes on and on and on…(they are all good friends, please remember).

Again, where's the logic?

What?! Ya, like that. This bunch of clowns are really. Some of the worst possible human beings I came across.

There are just so so so many more incidents and examples from these bunch of fools, the more I though about about it, the more sick I felt. Really, trust me, you ain't seen anyone like this...

I am thankful I am not their "friends".

Whenever I attend something they organise, I will sit back, enjoy the show and laugh to myself.

Good friend are hard to come by and we MEN dun do this to our fellow male good friends.

Ya, the above story is about a bunch of women. With limited brains cells I would say. No heavenly bodies as well within any of their possession. So not bimbos.


Photo : Whose key is it on the tree...???

Monday, June 11, 2007

Roland Garros 2007

Watched the Roland Garros women and men's final over the weekend.

It was an interesting contrast and pretty exciting match.

Justine Henin demolished the young Anna Ivanovic 6-1, 6-2 on Saturday. I felt a little disappointed for Anna Ivanovic, a young gal, full of hope and bright future, fumbles at the final. Not able to even mount a challenge and force Henin. Justine Henin is simply too experienced and seasoned for this young gal.

Yesterday's final was more interesting.

Rafael Nadal meeting Roger Federer again. The widely expected final for this year's French Open.

Nadal destroyed Federer's historic Grand Slam dream for another year by capturing his third successive French Open.

It was exciting with Nadal taking down the first set and Federer the second. The third set proved to be the all important one, with Ndadal securing it, and moving on to lift the trophy after the 4th set.

I felt very happy that Nadal won(nothing against Federer), as the crowd favorite is the world number 1, Federer. There were very little cheers and support for Nadal at the final. However, it grew louder as Nadal play some beautiful tennis! Great job!

Good stuffs!

Photo : Umbrella's needed for the French Open...

Friday, June 08, 2007

Elites and Vermins

Keeve mentioned in one of his previous blog entry about the "Elites" and the "Loosers". I dun think looser was the term Keeve used, but we shall call them Vermins here.

I have to say, the vermins are really really ridiculous.

In my environment here, we have a very distinct line drawn between the Elites and the Vermins. When I say "distinct line drawn", I dun mean, we dun talk to them, we walk past them without seeing them etc etc. We are cordial to them. Some of us even lunched with the vermins everyday. It just the clean and precise seperation of Elite and Vermins, results sometimes speaks louder than words.

We have very few Vermins here. Mostly Elites. Well, not to sound big headed or arrogant, but people who are here, are only the Elites. If you are not an Elite, you probably dun belong here. Somehow, there are still few of these Vermins breeding and surviving among us Elites.

One of them pissed me off totally today. Big time.

I am EXTREMELY UPSET at that person's competency level and judgement. This person simply does not belong here, the only reason is, the person's eyes are blue. That's it.

I shall not go into details about the whole thing, but all I can say is, this Vermin is really useless. Absolutely no measurement for his/her incompetency level. They are gonna get it sooner or later. And you know what, I dun give a shit about this person, and I have tolerated enuff. One more time, he/she is gonna get it straight in the face from me.

Here, we have 3 types of class :

1) Elites
2) Vermins
3) Blue Eye Vermins

Most Vermins are gone, now only left with the blue eye vermins.

Photo : Saw this on one of the Starbucks table in one of it's particular outlet that I visited often. There's the "pop" up effect from the drawing. Been vandalised obviously. But artistict nevertheless. Personally, I like it.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


The preparation is going underway for this year's National Day parade.

It's gonna be the first time this cdelebration is taking place "on the water". Right on top of a floating platform at the bay front.

Halfway thru work today, all the military commands and music were all over the air. Being a kayp, I took a look at the window and saw the practise going on for some of the parade.

Well, guess it's gonna be a huge celebration, with fireworks and all at the bay.

I cannot understand the excitement of going to the National Day Parade…I really cannot...

Photo : It will be different by August...(The photo quality sucks, cos it's taken by a camera phone. A lousy camera phone.)

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Jack's Curiosity

The below 2 sets of conversation had been going on almost every week for the past few months...

Conversation 1

XXX : "I got one."
Jack : "Male or Female?"
XXX : "Female."
Jack : "Pretty? Slim? Sexy?"
XXX : "errr...ok."
End of Jack's interest and curiosity.

Conversation 2

XXX : "I got one."
Jack : "Male or Female?"
XXX : "Male."
Jack : "Gay? Straight?"
XXX : "Hmmm...maybe gay..."
End of Jack's interest and curiosity.

Photo : Good, you bring home. Bad, you tie it here.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Chain of Thoughts

This morning, It's my turn to energize the "Gold Standard of the Day".

I usually do not do preparation work for this, just hit out whatever I have in mind. Was the desired results always achieved? I dunno.

So I was thinking of what to address the department this morning…and from the "Promise"..my thoughts spinned off to the "Credo", the "Motto" etc etc…and somehow, my thoughts landed on "men" who are better at "ruling", "managing" loves "excitement" and "challenge"… than their counterparts "women"… (I am still trying to figure out how my chain of thoughts ended up there…)


Majority of rulers, presidents, kings, CEOs are male. Somehow, men are better in doing "big" things compared to women. One of the main reason I can think of is the "emotional" factor.

Women tends to let their emotions get in the way, clouded their perception and affect their judgement calls. Whereas men, the only distraction for us are probably "breasts"…

Men loves excitement as well. Sports for example. The kinda excitement they get out of it…it's huilarious to a lady…

Men also love the excitement in pursuing things that they have difficulty or needs a lot of effort and challenge getting, be it valuable items or women of a certain nature. Dun you find it exciting "getting" a woman who gave you so much resistance initially?? The problem is, after achieving "her", we tend to "throw" her aside and look for new challenges.

Hahah!! Men!

Well, I am sure some people are gonna murder me for making such statements. Well, I cannot help it, I am born a man!!!(I think next life, I will probably be a prostitute.)

Photo : Hanky Panky...

Monday, June 04, 2007

2nd Home

Was moving and clearing stuffs from my work area this morning.

I get this "stroke" of clearing my area every once in a while. I did not plan for it. When it happens and my system tells me "Jack, let's do it", I will drop everything and start cleaning.

After clearing..I have some stuffs that I need to bring home...

24 Season 4 DVD
24 Season 5 DVD
Prison Break Season 1 DVD
1 Korean Movie DVD
4 Pairs of shoes
2 Neck Ties
1 Pants
1 Novel
Half a packet of (at least 3 months old) cigis
1 Pair of cufflinks
1 Watch
1 Travel bag

Dun ask me how did I manage to have all these at my work area... It beats me as well...

This place is like my second home...

Photo : Graveyard