Monday, April 02, 2007

Wii Have A Problem...

Nintendo launched a very innotative Video Game console last Nov.

It is selling like hotcakes..the reason? Innovative gameplay.

You take the wireless controller(shaped like a TV remote-only much cooler), swing about the controller like how you would in real life. For example, when you play take the controller and swing it forward like how you would do bowling.. when you play Golf, you swing the controller like a Gold Club...

So, I was playing this innovative console over a friend's place last Saturday, after celebrating Reds thrashing the Gunners.

We played bowling. Cool.

Moved on to Golf, Love it!

Than came tennis...

I swung the controller so smashing a ball.. and i..fucking twisted my right arm, dislocating it the 3rd time!!! Fuck. FUCK. FUCK!

The pain and shock was tremendous... somehow, the dislocated shoulder went back into position after 5 mins...when everyone was panicking, getting ready to go to the hospital...

Nothing much the doctor can do...just have some muscle relaxer..and let the sore heal...

That confirms my inability to own this innovative console...too much "action" for my fragile arm... Guess I have to stick to PS3...


Photo : What is he dragging?


Steven said...

Hahahahhaaaa, I laughed my head off when I read that you twisted your shoulder.

I had a chance to "borrow" a Wii from a friend for a month and I got aches everywhere from playing the bowling too much.

I think the best bits of the Wii are you can download all the old SNES and Sega games onto the system!

If you got the chance, try the weather and news channel!


JackRedShoes said...

I will never have any more chance to own a Wii. It is simply too dangerous for me... arghhed!!!

The NES and UNES gems are really a good call from Nintendo. Very good move...

Ouchhed!!! My arms.... :(