Thursday, April 26, 2007

Cheese Heaven

Ok, this little sinful bastard is heaven sent.

Produced by Shiseido of Japan. Yes, that Shiseido that make beauty products. They have a huge boutique in Ginza, which sells their own pastries, cakes, chocolates...and this...this..this cheese cake...

This cheese cake, available in small bite sizes, are simply wonderful. The cheese are is tastful, strong taste, but does not stick to your teeth. And you will not get sick by eating too many of it..and it ain't cheap for a single piece like this...

It felt like going up to the heaven(I know it's crowded up there, with people like Anthony Ler etc etc) whenever you chew on it...

ahhh.... only 1 last piece left at home...gonna jump on it when UsagiKiller is not around...heh heh heh...

Photo : The little sinful bastard...(photo not very well taken, cos it's from the camera in my phone)

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