Sunday, March 25, 2007

Highly Defined

It's been a crazy week.

Came back to town on night of 17 March. Rested for 1 day and then it's all out action for the following 5 days. Which brings to me where I am now.

While I was away, I managed to acquire a few BluRay DVDs at a reasonable price. Those that are found in Singapore are going at a amazing S$60-S$70 per DVD. It's ridiculous. Singapore is really sad and behind in many areas. These BluRay DVDs are available all over the Video Shops in the city that I have just been. However in Singapore, you can only find some in HMV and a particular shop that sells it at ridiculous prices. Better off ordering from Amazon.

Now these Blu-Ray are really amazing. The High Definition presentation of these movies are simply amazing. After watching High Definition DVDs, you would not wanna watch the normal DVDs anymore... Have some titles that I will have to lay my hands on..hopefully in 2 weeks time..when I will be submerged again..

This week have been amazingly busy. Accompolished something that I am happy and proud of. Yes, it's about work. That's just say the feeling of winning is amazing. Just amazing. It's like you have scored a goal in a high tension football match kinda feeling.

I need to get all my work in order before submerging on the 6th April. Something that I have been looking forward to...

Let's hope that the next 2 weeks are not as crazy as thhe past 2. After that would be break time, follow by more busy times in late April...

Photo : BluRay DVDs. Amazing High Definition and one of my favorite series..Rocky. Amazing stuffs.

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