Monday, March 05, 2007

Jack Bauer Must Die

OK. This is a desperation came true.

Day 6 is currently airing in's bloody huge. Jack Bauer is back.

I was shock to see this DVD on the shelf of HMV last Friday...It contains the first 4 hours of Day 6...arghhed!!!!! THE FIRST 4 HOURS!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Without even think twice, bought it and put it safely into my bag.

This is amazing...Watched thru the first 2 hours on Saturday Morning with the loudest volume turned on from the speakers... It never failed to exceed expectation. NEVER. IT ROCKS!!!

Now I have only 2 more hours to watch and will have to wait untill, at least Oct 2007 for the rest of the 20hrs to be released in DVD format in Singapore...arghhed...

Jack..Jack!! JACK!!

Photo : Day 6, first 4 hours of 24...

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