Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Welcome to the New Generation

It's here.

Today is the officla local launch for PS3.

Finally. 3 months late.

Made a point to leave work early and hit to the launch party. Today launched with only 200 sets. However, the retailers should get their stock from tomorrow onwards. However, many retailers will prioritise those that pre-ordered with them.

Interesting thing about today's launch is, not as crowded as expected. Good & Bad. Good for serious buyers and gamers. Bad for sales.

I managed to secure a set, thank you.

It's a little "exclusive" launch for Sony here, considering what Microsoft did for the 360. Singapore is a small and easy market for Sony, basically they do not need to shipped out huge suppliers here(unlike USA and Japan).

Today's launch is very much like what Japan did. Get in line, fill in a purchase form, get your confirmed number for the queue. If you are the number 201 person in queue, sorry. But my guess is that nobody went home disappointed this evening. I am sure alot of people will be hooking up their console this evening and start going online to the SONY Playstation Online store, downloading HD movies, Games etc. Cool!

Now have to wait for MIL's good news of bringing back the Blu-Ray DVDs for me next week. Finally, HD movies at home!! Yeah!

I do not have the time to fix it up to the TV as yet. It's gonna be interesting, I will save that for tomorrow.

Of course I will be thinking about this fellow all the time at work tomorrow....

Photo : New Toy


Keevy - 小明® said...

Congrats on acquisition of your new toy...

Anonymous said...

I hate this new thing... becos of IT, I can't watch my DVD... yucks! Anyone want? I shall put it on auction on ebay.

Baby Tibu