Saturday, April 07, 2007

Version 3.1

Ok, I was in Tokyo on this day, April 7.

I have to date back to this date, cos my system officially upgrades to version 3.1 on this day.

It's a significant day...

It's this instance...when system got functions slower, hardisk space gets lesser, hangs more easily, quit applications unexpectedly, needs to "off" the power more than lower versions... consumes more power...

Well, there's good there's seems like bad out-weights the goods... well anyway, life moves on!!

On this day, In Tokyo, I woke up early morning about 7am, hit the streets with the papers, my trusty camera, had a coffee at "Art Coffee", roam around the streets firing off from my camera. Nice weather and beautiful people around this city. I simply love it. Guess that is the reason for this annually trip here...

For upcoming entries, I will show some photos that I took there and little stories, thoughts to go with it...

On a side track..I brought 3(1 x 2GB, 2 x 1GB) Compact Flash Memory Cards for my camera on this trip. On the second last day of this of the 1 GB memory card failed on me! I effectively lost over 200 shots(Some from Roppongi Hills, all from Daikanyama, some from Odaiba). Yes, I am totally pissed. I ended with about 950 shots by end of this trip, losing 200 over(which should bring my efforts to 1150 and over). I am totally upset and in a dangerous mood. Lucky I have some of these places on Video...arghhed!! The brand of the memory card is Kingston. Yes, I will never trust this brand anymore. Thank you! Arghed!!

Now, I am trying to adjust and clear some work, so that I can have some time to update this blog with some photos... pls be patience and hold on to all your poisonous comments untill then..haha!!

Photo : Papers(with today's date on it), Coffee, Camera, Cigis(hidden from photo), these basically sums up 90% of my life.

The other 10%?


1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

Good shot to start with and I can absolutely understand that kind of frustration. It is like a part of your memory being 'chipped off'