Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Yesterday was my Birthday. Again.

According to the Lunar Calendar that is. ha! Apparently, the Lunar Calendar makes you older than the "Ang Mo" calendar...hmm...

Anyway, every birthday on the Lunar day, mum will always make "Mee Sua" with 2 eggs, meat and some vege. I was reminded by her last Sunday, that I must have it yesterday! Cannot forget, blah blah blah blah..on she goes and goes and goes...

UsagiKiller made the Mee Sua this year...her first outing..pretty good. Not too shabby... she kept glancing over at my bowl while I am eating.. i felt that my life is in danger when she does that...So I ask her.."What you looking at???" She replied that she worried I am not gonna finish her hard work... I became more suspicious... In all chinese movies..when the women tried to poison the guy with poison in their food, they always make sure the guy finishes all the food..and he dies shortly... now I am worried... Some chinese poison, after taking it, involves you dying after walking 7 steps...

Well, I am still alive after walking 7 steps..just went ot the toilet a few times after dinner...guess UsagiKiller's portioned too little of the poison... good luck next year!

Photo : Mee Sua!! With 2 hard boiled eggs!! And invisible, tasteless, odourless poison!! Yummy!!

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

Wow! Fortunate guy!!! The mee sua sure looks healthy with the added broccoli

Happy Belated Chinese Birthday!