Thursday, February 22, 2007

Final Fantasy III


Finally managed to get hold of this set o 7 figurines from SquareEnix.

It's really hard to come by here in Singapore. Apparently most shops have only limited sets and pre-orders have to be made. It took me awhile to finally hunt down one full set.

In some countries(Singapore included) the prices for these set of 7 have been marked up so high(demand vs supply problem) that it's at least double of what is being asked for in Japan. BUT, people still but them because of how hard it is to get hold of them.

I din know it will be such a hot item, came across it in sometime back in a regular monthly Japanese Hobby magazine, under the "upcoming" column, and thought "I must have them". When I start asking/looking around, then did I realise that everybody is looking for a set!

If you are still hunting for a set, good luck!

Photo : The 7 jobs classes in the Final Fantasy III Figures...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.